Big surprise hanzo still busted

Just do what you should have done 7 years ago and nerf arrow hitbox. He still one shots 90% of heroes for shooting an arrow 4 feet away from their head.


I never really have an issue with Hanzo…?


How many more times must this developer post be posted to prove how small the projectile is.


Because they’re not comparing Hanzo’s projectile to other projectiles. They’re comparing Hanzo to Widow. Widow takes much more precision with aim to land headshots.


It’s not the projectile that people complain about… its the hit registration in game that causes the arrow to appear 1-2 feet away from a head yet still count as a headshot.


It’s also not

Rather, it’s the actual hitboxes of the heroes in the game.

But given that the game has nearly 40 different hitboxes, and that the game has no movement acceleration, this makes logical sense.

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I’ve been “headshot” by countless Hanzos where the replay shows the arrow not actually being close to my head. Latency maybe? I don’t know, but I don’t see this with Widow. When it says I’m headshot by Widow, the replay shows me being headshot by Widow.


Replays don’t really factor in latency or the view of the player than hit you. So, yeah, it can appear as though the arrow tracked your head and went in that direction.


A developers comments don’t prove anything. Especially the overwatch devs who have lied to us many times. I have better proof than a trash devs comments.


i’d say it’s more a problem with the head hitboxes being big. but the true difference is that hanzo can spam arrows and get a lucky one shot. It never feels right when it happens to you and don’t forget that kill cams aren’t 100% accurate, so they’ll make it look x2 more bullcrap


Enemies have to be lucky every time. Hanzo only needs to get lucky once.


Already answered this.

Again, with the lack of movement acceleration hitboxes being larger than they appear is probably intentional. Moreover, the fact that Blizzard adheres to classic animation techniques such as squash-and-stretch principles generally means that sometimes certain headshots are likely to be larger during some sequences than others.

Finally, there is still the “favor-the-shooter” mechanic, and it’s going to rely on that player’s latency and view over the server’s or the other players.

Honestly, Overwatch 2 should have improved this gunplay, but there still some real issues with hit detection and just in general actually seeing a target getting hit, and not relying so heavily on health bars.


They did nerf his hitbox

In fairness

The problem isn’t so much his arrow, so much as it’s his arrow combined with over-watches very generous player hurt boxes.

Yep its among the smallest of projectiles. What you asking for is a hitscan arrows.

Big surprise people who don’t use cover stand still remain the same

You will continue to get owned by whatever is the next ranged hero of hanzo is deleted from the game.

yeah but she’s more consistent because she’s hitscan so she’s just better lol

Currently hanzo is better simply cause sonar and range gives him more advantages than nerfed widow

That said people crying about him are just plain bad

widow and hanzo can’t fight at the same ranges. Widow has better range, hanzo needs to get lucky the farther you’re trying to shoot

If you have sonar you don’t need to be lucky you can aim and get them.