Bets on what the GroundBreaking PvP changes will be

Just so I can say I said it first:

  • Bomb defusing
  • Hostage rescue
  • Zombies
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Hope not, already got enough reasons not to play.

If there really is “Groundbreaking” new gameplay coming soon, it makes a lot of sense that this season has had so little content: the Devs have been hard at work developing and testing this new mysterious content! Very exciting prospect :sunglasses: :partying_face:

Talents (sometimes available in the shop)


Anything that adds complexity and makes the game deeper is a plus in my book.
Just my two cents.

That being said, I don’t see them adding talents into the game without massive playtest and balance beforehand. I could see selectable passives being added though. I really liked that variation and it’s much easier to balance and to play around if you can see what the enemy has chosen.


If it doesn’t include a format change from 5v5 ima be disappointed and based on the Devs track record, I’m ready for disappointment.

Community building tools starts with guilds and the ability for players to organize without a lot of hard work, and I already mentioned a feature I’d add with it.

It’s a huge difference because no one uses voice/text in game from fear of either being bullied or banned. If you’re in a guild you’d be ‘outside the system’ and issues wouldn’t be handled by Blizz since you’d likely be on discord or whatever. Meaning you join one that reflects your mindset and the experience you want to have in-game.

i.e. the incels can have their own silo while the rest of us socialize.

Yeah? Isn’t this a good thing? Anyone who was around when Brig was released knows how your friends list can go from 20 to 2 quickly. Technically I guess you could use friend of a friend but this is game agnostic afiak so it’s usually just wow people.

The 1 and only reason this hasn’t been implemented, and why Jeff had to fight for things like the workshop, is because Blizzard is obsessed with having full control over your user experience so they can manipulate whales/fomo. But as we’ve seen this is extremely short-sighted.

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More ways to exploit the players for money, probably.

This relates to selling them being too similar to gambling. However, giving them away for progression or whatever is ok as you didn’t pay and not know what you were getting. So they could come back, just not for money.

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My money is on shop skin improvements (Not prices though).

Lol, so the game is decently balanced my guy. Like the main issue is more so if whatever is meta at the time is actually fun to play around.

Like the things ana / sombra / widow / " insert your heroes counter " do are intended.

And it’s more of an issue that people are bored and want something to do, as we kind of a solved OW more or less. We know how the comps work, and how most interactions play out.

Yes and no, if it’s a mechanic like a games loot drop it’s fine. However they are a skin selling business.

And loot boxes are a system to get people hooked into endless grinding, with in a limited time span. That in it’s self stack the odds against you actually getting what you want.

So while your invested even in just the free stuff, the fact that it’s more likely then not isn’t giving you the thing you wanted. Will push people into feeling like they need to buy it.

It’s kind of what the whole system was built on, FOMO that gets you invested into such. To dig it’s claws deeper into ya.

Dating sim where Queen thigh crushes you.


Theres one great application of the AI bots :smirk:

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What I’d want selfishly is talent trees or new forms. Like genji can be a dps or a support. But having hope is silly. So I’m assuming bans because how easy is that to put in. I feel talents aren’t groundbreaking though. Idk maybe it’s actually 7v7. :joy:


7v7 is a weird ask, it’s a complete unknown and the engine already needed some work just to enable 6v6 again.

And it’s not exactly removing the tank bottle neck either.

Either way this isn’t gonna be good most likely. 2 weeks of everyone theorizing. By the time we learn I feel it’s not gonna measure up to the hype. Realistically they should just come out and say what it is.

It’s talents.

That’s it. There’s nothing more to add.
Real possibility of hero bans alongside it

I need Dva’s upgrades from junkenstein’s lab

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I said it twice and I’ll say it again: bigger hitboxes, more health, infinite ammo and more passives :melting_face:

tho maybe hero bans

Every female character gets a real pool party skin.


I don’t think it will be Talents. Imagine what they had for the Junkenstein Labs was all they had developed. If they had more talents ready, they would likely have included that hero into the Labs roster, yeah? That was less than half the hero roster and only 4 months ago. All the feedback they received from the Labs event was likely well-received, but there wouldn’t be enough time to generate talents for the remaining 30-ish heroes, implement it into a polished experience, and have it ready to go live for Season 15.

They likely have something like a Hero Ban, or more likely, 6v6 comp.

I like some of the other comments here suggesting they went through all the maps and added destructibility. Cool idea, but I think that’ll be a new map-specific gimmick more-so than a new feature. I think it’s more likely than Talents, but less likely than Hero Bans.

There are dozens of us! I also would not want Talents in PVP; especially in comp. It adds all of that extra downtime between rounds. They’ve only showed it to us on best-of-5 Control maps.