Best tanks ? for comp

what are the best tanks right now ?? does anyone have a list for the order of the tanks power from strongest to weakest ?

i don’t have a list but sigma and ball are almost always very strong if you can play them well enough. they’re tricky to counter because they have a lot of options

if you’re not getting farmed by echo, ana and zen then hog is usually always strong. bit map dependant tho, easier to shut down

I need learn them both tbh especially wrecking ball which in my eyes has one of the highest carry potential in solo Q. I’m pretty decent at all other tanks except winston (still haven’t learned to bubble dance yet). But I think one of the biggest reason I’m not climbing as tank is due to me not being good with ball.

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You can get an idea by looking at the Top500 leader boards.

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Reinhart is pretty good right now with his hammer down buff

Have a good secondary option to ball as well. He has some of the worst hard counters (and I do mean HARD counters) of any hero in the game.


Good Reins wins games.

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Sigma, Ball, and Hog are the best tanks to solo carry with because they require very little from their teammates if played correctly.

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You can google Overbuff and, in the “heroes” section, find pickrates and winrates (in order) for every hero (and role) at every rank for the past week, month, 3 months, and six months.

Going off of pickrate alone, it looks like the top tanks rn are Rein,, Zarya, and Hog, with a much higher Ball and Sigma representation in GM.

Overbuff only tracks players with open profiles

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Anything thats not Rein

According to site I read, its Sigma and D.Va. That’s what they call S-tier, which is best in all situations.

However, every other tank is next “lower” tier.

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It depends.

With the exception of Orisa, there are 2 categories of tanks, dive tanks (wrecking ball, dva, winston), and close ground/melee tanks (zarya, hog, rein, sig). Dive tanks are better at dealing with high ground opponents, but tend to deal less focused dmg then ground tanks. But since ground tanks tend to have less range and mobility to transition between high & low ground, high ground becomes a problem for them (like winston would be preferable in oasis because of all the high ground, but say ilios lighthouse might be better for rein cause the point has walls allowing you to play more aggressively). Dive tanks are going to be less liked on comp because of more coordination needed with them to be effective (which people dislike in mid to low elos). Also to note ground tanks tend have ults with faster cast times then dive tanks (like DVA bomb takes like 3 seconds to go off whereas a rein shatter or zarya grav takes like 1 second.)

For low tier… Winston is probably the worst tank, there are reasons to pick him over other tanks, as he tends to be a counter to sym and genji. Orisa isn’t that good because of the shield nerf, few people want to play her over it. Wrecking ball is probably the next worst tank pick, but because of his really high mobility and high hp he is probably the best stall tank when you’re short on time, and because no head hitbox makes him a problem for widow mains. It is interesting to note that wrecking ball has like the lowest win% in all elos on overbuff next to winston, but his pick rate shoots up the higher the elo, I suspect this is because he is a widow counter.

For mid tier… Hog I think is a pretty good mid-tier character, there is a downside to him because as you progress through the ranks his hooks will become less effective because people will have better positioning. Sigma is about as mid-tier as you get in a tank, he’s not like Über strong nor super weak, he is the most flexible tank in what you can do (stun, shield, fly) and his ult is not too difficult to shut down.

In overwatch if you want to win press Q. The best characters will tend to be characters with the best ults, or abilities that shutdown the most ults. So Reinhart and Zarya are the two best tanks because their ults are the best tank ults. And I do believe Reinhart is the 1# tank, and after zarya would probably be DVA. Even though she doesn’t have a great tank ult, her defense matrix is the one of the best non-ult abilities in the game because it shuts down so many ults and counters so much dmg. And statistically has the most elims average in tanks from bronze until masters from whence she is beaten by zarya.

But anyway, here is my list of best tanks in order.

  1. Rein
  2. Zarya
  3. Dva
  4. Sigma
  5. Roadhog
  6. Wrecking Ball
  7. Orisa
  8. Winston

Sadly, reinhardt still gets punished by spam meta and deleted by discord. I don’t really care much as is the most fun tank though.

With the actual state of the game, this is my tier list.

  • Ball
  • Dva
  • Hog
  • Sigma
  • Orisa
  • Rein
  • Winston / zaria