Best Symmetra rework ideas?

Huh? What? Oh.

He updated his rework concept. It’s kinda similiar but there are a few changes.


sweet, think the concept needs more heals but besides that its great

  • Reverse how the secondary fire works. It should charge up to max automatically, and clicking the button should only release it. No need to manually charge and hold.
  • Leveling up primary fire beam to 2 and 3 should come with a passive speed boost
  • Primary fire extended to 15 meters.
  • Teleporter buffed to 3 seconds uptime, 12 seconds downtime, 0.3 seconds cast time.

MUH SKILLZ :clown_face:

I didn’t know they actually made a workshop version of it.

Do you know if they’re still working on the workshop mode? I feel like a lot could be modified in the last full year of workshop additions. And if so, is an updated version available to playtest?

Thay actually adressed lately that workshop will be updated with more content soon, idk if it’s already in the game tho

A revert or net removal of something in her kit. Tp preferred

I think they tried the healing photon shields from the newer concept.

I kinda want to ask them if they’re able to link the code for their updated workshop mode. But at the same time, I don’t want to necro an old thread.

I always imagined her photon shields ability could have worked like Brigitte’s repair pack and overheal as shields instead of armor… but we didn’t get that

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Ct4y4 This should be the photon shields. Someone said he made them but I haven’t tried it so far.

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Thanks! I’ll have to try it out later, same as the outdated workshop code.

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I’m probably going to be really bad at making this but I’ll try!

Symmetra is now part of the support role (probably can’t do in workshop)

Health: 100 health
Shield: 100 shield

Primary and secondary stay the same.

Ability one: Symmetra is no longer able to spam turrets. This means that she can only send out another turret after the other one hits a surface. (Probably easily done in workshop) If button is hit while turret is still in air then it will become a shield because her old shield looks like it has a turret in the middle. (Probably can be done by having a sigma barrier follow the turret.)

Ability two: You now have to place two teleporter pads to build a teleporter or place one to build a mini shield generator. (Probably hard to do in workshop) Symmetra is unable to manually break her teleporter/shield generator but if one teleporter pad is broken then both will go. Symmetra is able to place a teleporter pad by looking around just how it is now except one will not place at your feet. (Probably not possible)

Ultimate: Symmetra achieves balance but not only making all he allies full health but also allowing everybody the same amount of health as the tank with the most health. Health can be lost by taking damage but it won’t disappear naturally. (Probably impossible in workshop)

Newest one, very rough but the concepts are there:


What’s included:

Passive–Personal Photon Shield
Absorbs damage seperate from your HP giving you effectively +50 but not raising Maximum HP. Can be disabled by getting Hacked or ignored by Zarya’s Primary (simulates piercing abilities)

New orb–Note haven’t worked out the Orb size issue.
Orb will now reverse-charge. Meaning not pressing secondary charges Orb passively. You can still spam but will only get weaker orbs. Let the charge build to increase attack power.
Orb prison can still be used but you must enable/disable settings (instructions included)