Ok so imma regret asking this but what are your guys fav ships?
The pirate ship, of course.
But serious, Pharmercy is a cool one, and also Mchanzo.
Worst one ever…
Jake and Custa
my fav is mchanzo because they’re both kinda hot
Moireyes (Moira x Reaper)
Talon hotties that can turn into dust
I don’t really care about shipping in any game or media but I do habe a soft spot for Moicy, mostly because of the funny fanart I’ve seen
Pharah x Genji
Mercy x No one
For me it’s Mchanzo, Reaper76, Roadrat, Sigtiste
Orisa x Bastion
Now they can become the unpickable duo
Anahardt is adorable.
Steel trap x Torb turret never gets any love
My top are Abahardt, Bunnyribit, Gency, and Bastion X POTG.
ANA and REIN!!!
also Bapbra (Baptiste and Sombra)
I’m almost certain the only reason Ana invented nano was to give Rein a second bout in the sheets.
“You’re powered up, get in here.”
I have better things to do with my life than pretending fictional characters are in relationships.
Pharah and Mercy have a kinky relationship, so I guess them, lol.