I ran a poll and collected over 1000 votes on the community’s favorite maps and here are the results. The percentage next to each map shows how often that was selected as #1:
- King’s Row (31.4%)
- Lijiang Tower (9.7%)
- Ilios (7.9%)
- Eichenwalde (7.5%)
- Dorado (4.8%)
- Rialto (3.9%)
- Route 66 (3.5%)
- Esperança (3.1%)
- Blizzard World (2.6%)
- Hollywood (2.2%)
- Colosseo (1.7%)
- Shambali Monastery (1.3%)
- Watchpoint: Gibraltar (1.3%)
- Busan (1.2%)
- Oasis (1.1%)
- New Queen Street (0.9%)
- Junkertown (0.9%)
- Nepal (0.4%)
- Circuit Royal (0.4%)
- Midtown (0.4%)
- Paraiso (0.3%)
- Havana (0.2%)
- Antarctic Peninsula (0.2%)
- Suravasa (0.1%)
- Numbani (0.1%)
Well, what do we think? Any surprises here?
Personally, I was surprised to see Oasis and Nepal so low on the list. Numbani being at the bottom makes perfect sense though.
So new JT has all the hate
Its sad that anubis, volskaya, luna and paris almost erased from the game 
How did ppl vote ilios. Well could be the worst part of any map in the game.
Warms my heart to see the hitscan paradise maps filling most of the bottom places. Now if only Blizzard would take the hint and rework all of them.
where was this poll conducted? these are such strange stats
edit: guys stop falling for this sh!t it’s fake
And where is that poll?
I have a theory why kings row is most liked.
It is near impossible to fail the first point.
In that case may as well just pick a payload map instead of hybrid.
How about New Junk City? Did that get no votes at all?
Anyway. The devs have been reviewing the OG maps; Gibraltar and Route 66 have both had tweaks made to them. I hope they take a long, hard look at Numbani at some point.
And even if a person’s lucky enough to win two rounds without going to Well, they still had to go to Ruins. That dump’s always been a Widow stomping ground.
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I’ve seen it happen more than a few times…
this poll is a bit sus. Also, nostalgia glasses.
yeah it happens. It just seems way less common because the point is quite close.
I would be surprised if kings row wasn’t #1, but esperança rating as high as 8 is definitely a surprise.
Also Havana and circuit not both being last.
When Colosseo comes up, I want to rip out my own eyes.
How is Colosseo not at the bottom?! I hate that map with a passion.
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Probably TikTok is some other weird af platform
It’s because the list is based on everyone’s number 1 pick and not a compete order of everyone’s likes/dislikes. So a map like Ilios which most of the community probably doesnt like is in 3rd because it’s got a niche with roadhog/lucio mains. Meanwhile a map like Midtown is at the bottom because no one really cares enough to put it no1. It could be everyone’s 3rd favourite but it’s still at the bottom.
To get a comprehensive list you would need something like ranked choice voting.
Only surprise is how high Eww-lios is on the list. Granted, not seeing the tool utilized to poll, I’d reckon that there are probably trolls there saying that it’s their favorite map to be contrary
. I’d also wonder how maps that are no longer in rotation like Temple of Anubis would do in a poll of map popularity.
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My priority list is based on mode:
- Escort/Hybrid
- Control
- Push
- Flashpoint
I’m frustrated with Control lately because the team that loses the 1st round often ends up throwing in the 2nd, if they haven’t left the match. Also winning the team fight at 99% scores a huge point and you don’t get these kinds of locked-in-partial-loss with unrounded modes.
I don’t like Push because the respawn runs are waaay too long, and it’s too easy to camp a support out of spawn and win, especially with buffed Sombra and Tracer. You could even just use a ranged hitscan to pick them off from a mile away before they get back to team.
I put Flashpoint last as it’s the worst of both. It’s got more rounds than Control and longer respawn runs than Push.
IMO, the Push and Flashpoint maps would be outstanding for Arcade modes. Like CTF on a Push map or FFA on a Flashpoint map, or whatever else can be thought up. They are just not good modes for 5v5 objective matches.
The fact that New Junk City or whateverit’s called isn’t on this list.
Depressing that multiple maps that are broken thanks to still being designed for 6v6 and outright unfixable for 5v5 being on this list, along with Colosseo, New Queen Street and Havana.