Best Hero per Role. Not the one you always think of!

Hey Guys,

After my recent research on the best heroes for this season (Big SURPRISE in the Top 5 Heroes for SEASON 16! - #10 by DreadPirate-1795), I decided to go more in details and check what is the best hero per sub role… And the results are also kind of suprirising, not the ones you would always expect according to stats!

But the question is: does that make much sense anyway? Can we really say Orisa is overall better than Reinhardt now because she had a big increase in her pick rate and a better win rate? I think not. I believe it will always depends on situations.

So even if overall one hero seems superior in his role, it’s really only a matter of context.

That being said, here’s the vid for those who are interested. It’s Top 500 gameplay with all the links necessary in the description!



Support: Ana

Tank: D.Va

DPS: Hanzo


I agree with this list.

  • Ana is the best supporter that offer good utility.
  • Dva has always been a meta pick, so yeah, she’s the best tank imo.
  • In terms of raw damage output does Hanzo probably tops the rest. Especially because he has mobility and a zoning/damaging ultimate.
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That’s on the paper. In theory. But then in game, in ranks, Wrecking Ball is doing better than D.Va now, Ana is just the best in GM and Master where people have the skills to play her right and Hanzo… apart from the fact that his win rate is the 6th best starting from the bottom, he’s a good DPS. It just appends that most of the other DPS make winning easier lol

Currently? I’d say:

Rein is the best tank. Even if he’s outclassed by other tanks he’s probably the easiest to pick up, and his kit can get value at any rank.

Hanzo is the best DPS because of his mobility and the surprising strength of storm arrows. Not as easy to just pick up and play as some, but with a bit of practice he’s very very good.

And Lucio imo has always been the best support. His ult is fantastic, his self sustain is great, his speed boost is godly, and his heals aren’t too shabby either.

Why would an increase in pick rate be relevant to “best” anyway? It would be based more on absolute pickrate, or something like pickrate*winrate (though that gets weird with >50% team pickrate causing mirror matches).

Aren’t you Lucio’s fan?! Don’t get me wrong I love Lucio and play him quite a lot. He’s also in the list but I wouldn’t say he’s that amazing. He’s actually quite hard to get value out of. His skill ceiling is high and for example getting value from his ult is not that easy, since it doesn’t last long you need to time it right and since it’s AoE, you need to make sure to have enough people in your radius. That being said in terms of stats, he’s up there with Zen. :slight_smile:

Just started watching. You may want to invest in a better microphone. I think your accent and your tone are seriously charming, but there is this weird reverb at the end of your words that is kind of annoying.

Oh thank you for your feedback! Didn’t notice even though I’m kind of very careful with those things, I’m even recording under a quilt to reduce the echo and reverb lol

It’s more the opposite I think, a low pick rate make the win rate irrelevant… We can’t consider heroes with low pick rate because they’re either niche or picked only by a handful of players, mostly specialist of the very high level that can pull it off. Orisa was kinda of a niche, working in certain situations only and always had a high pickrate because of that but now she’s above 3%, so people use her in more games so her win rate is relevant. That’s my thought process. Multiply win rate per pick rate won’t really work, because people don’t always pick what is best. Example Ana is picked a lot but she wins less non mirror games than Mercy and Moira below Master rank…