Best designed heroes in each role

Who do you think are the best hero designs for each role?

My list:

Tank: Winton
DPS: Tracer
Support: Lucio

Interesting that all of them were part of original release.

My criteria:

  1. High skill ceiling promoting time investment into the hero
  2. No overly frustrating abilities
  3. Doesn’t need specific heroes to be played to counter
  4. High risk high reward gameplay loop
  5. Fun kit

Winston tank requiring skill? this is a joke, right?

Not my problem you think his skill floor=ceiling because it’s not. Only tanks that have higher ceiling are doom, ball, maybe dva

5 ress Mercy

Tank:, Reinhardt, Winston
DPS: tracer, genji
Support: ana, mercy, lucio

Tank: Junker Queen
DPS: tracer, genji
Support: kiri, juno, lucio


Kiriko is balanced?

Nah, it’s definitely overtuned. But it’s not overtuned enough to break the game. Sadly I think it’s abilities like these that a support role needs to function in 5v5.

I still think ana’s design and playstyle towards the end of OW1 was much more balanced, fun, and fair to play against though for most heroes.

Ana was fair because she had to keep two tanks alive and fight two tanks. So when flanked she usually had only sleep or nade available. Now she can spam both against the enemy tank and it feels like her kit is too good. Most games there’s no reason not to have an Ana.

I feel like you should have six different lists, because the best designed hero isn’t necessarily one with all those criteria, and those criteria themselves build their own lists.

Best designs per role: Sigma, McCree, Ana

For your criteria:

  1. Ball, Genji, Mercy
  2. Rein, Reaper, Lifeweaver
  3. Zarya, Torb, Bap
  4. Zarya, Widow, Zen
  5. D.Va, Mei, Lucio

I already know which hero will get berated on the list, and I guarantee 90% of those saying it, have never played that hero outside of metal ranks, as you really have to have top tier skills to survive further up.

Mercy, Rein & Torb

They make the game accessible for those new to FPS.

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It depends on your definition of skill. If it’s solely clicking heads, then no. However, if you ask professional players and coaches, most of them will tell you that Winston is one of the more skill intensive heroes in the game. It might, just might be that there’s more to it than simply clicking heads.

Every heroes are designed well. Their i said it.

It’s only widow I take issue with i think. And maybe zen. In 6v6 they just fit way better

I agree. 6v6 is just a better mode.

I’d replace with Hazard… maybe.

Reaper does not have a high skill ceiling. The best Reaper’s can barely separate themselves from someone who has never touched the character. His kit’s design is very incohesive with itself, making it incredibly “stagnant/non-versatile” (for lack of a better phrasing).

That doesn’t mean playing him isn’t difficult, just that there is not much you can do by yourself because of how limiting his kit is. There is only so much you can do.

This is a great idea for a post. In my opinion:

Tank- Junker Queen
DPS- Ashe
Support- Brigitte

But my favorite hero in each role is Juno Juno Juno

That’s a Hot take if I ever seen 1