Best Console Lucio Controls

Wallriding has been difficult with the default controls for Lucio on console. I decided to change my controls and what I did was game changing!

It took about 20 minutes to get kind of use to it. And after about a solid hour of playing him, it began to come naturally.

I went to Lucio’s setting and I enabled him to wallride backwards first. For a Playstation Wireless Dualshock Controller I did this:

  • Moved jump from X to L1
  • Moved ability 1 (crossfade) from L1 to L3
  • Moved Interact (from L3 for me) to X

The equivelent for an Xbox One Controller would be this:

  • Move jump from A to LB
  • Move ability 1 (crossfade) from LB to LS
  • Move Interact LS to A

The essential console Lucio change is basically to map the jump button to a shoulder button

Nothing else matters except that

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Personally I moved a lot of stuff around, Jump/wallride is LT (L2) for me
Toggle crouch is right dpad (default)
Interact is left dpad
Boop is LB (L1)
Amp It Up is B (Circle)
Crossfade is RB (R1)
Ultimate and primary fire is default
Quick melee is, I think default not sure of default or if I changed all characters to have it as Right Stick (R3)

“Laughs in back paddles”

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"Laughs in agreeance"

Not really though I never use the back paddles

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But why tho.

They are best buttons.

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I could just never get the feel for them no matter how much I tried to use them, I do still however have extra long thumbsticks, and reduced response time triggers? I think thats what theyre called, if I’m wrong they’re the triggers where you dont have to push in as much for them to respond meaning I’ve got the upper hand in a widow duel which I’ll still lose

Edit: extra long

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These are definitely a must for any Hitscan on console.

Ahh they were a pain to get used too but i can’t go back.

Specifically in the fact that i have jump, crouch, ult, and some other thing i forgot tied to em.

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Yeah my Ashe and Soldier play improved immensely once I got them

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Maybe its the position my back paddles are in, these are what mine are at. What about yours?

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Paddles are so much better. Left paddle melee. Right paddle jump. Works for everyone, you don’t need a Lucio specific layout, and you can easily use any ability while wall riding.

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Ahh, you’ve got em upside down!!

Switch them around, but don’t turn the smaller ones any way, keep them as they are, just on the top slot.

It feels SO much better.

They seriously do fix everything.


Dang maybe youre right, it didnt come with any instructions (preowned) so the first positions I found where they didnt overlap each other I assumed was correct, but this seems like the better position, I’ll try it out tommorow and see if I can adjust any better

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Yea, they really should tell you how to put em in…

It confused my tiny brain to no end when i got my first one (Also pre-owned)

It should look something like this for comfort anyways:

(Not my image. lol)


my controls

Left stick - jump

right stick - melee

left bumper - switch

right bumper - aura

left trigger - boop

right trigger - fire


Also thanks for all the help chibi!

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I prefer little ones on top and I remove the big ones because they get in my way. It will depend on hand size, but I find I only need two paddles and I keep my ring fingers on them. Pinkies stabilize the controller.

Tall stick right and short stick left. Dunno how much that matters, but I like it.

No problem! ^,^

I don’t talk about console much mostly because this community seems to hate anything that isn’t pc…

I set my Lucio up like this:

RT - Jump/Wallride
RB - Boop
R3/Right Stick In - Primary Fire

LT - Ultimate (Same for every Hero) (This is also mapped to the Right Paddle in the back of my controller)
LB - Interact (Same for every Hero) (This is also mapped to my Left Paddle, in the back of my controller)
L3/Left Stick In - Amp It Up

Y - Melee
B - Crossfade + Setting where you press it to switch, not hold it
X - Reload (same for every Hero thats has it)
A - Crouch

Also, my D-Pad buttons are various things like: Spray Menu, Communication Wheel, etc. These are the same for every Hero.

Trust me I know, I’ve seen many a people try and discredit forum goers by saying thats just on console, it doesnt help the devs dont seem to give a hoot, half the time features that are on pc just fine dont half work on console, like the replay system, you had to completely restore all default settings on console before to use it otherwise half the keybinds dont even work and the others dont appear, luckily they fixed this with the latest patch but I have a feeling it had nothing to do with console’s not getting a working feature and more them wanting to give pc players the options

Things with the color blind setting that work fine on pc dont work at all on console and even the recent patch that was supposed to fix some of these problems didnt fix them on console

Just some examples thanks to Eternity

And stuff from their old console players feeling like second class citizens post still applies to this day

Not to mention the game breaking hammond bug, they left Hammond cut out of the game when they could have easily done a same day patch verification to put him back in as soon as they finished fixing him, but they didnt so many hammond players had to suffer the time without him
