Best balance in a long time?

Ana is good.
Lucio is good.
Zen is great.
Mercy’s still pretty good.
Moira is still good for GOATs.
Brigitte is still viable, but doesn’t obliterate dive anymore.

Deathball is good on certain maps.
Dive is good on certain maps.
Orisa/hog is good on certain maps.
GOATs is still good on certain maps.

The snipers are viable.
The flankers are viable.
Mccree is viable.
S76 is playable…
Doomfist is viable.
Pharah is great on certain points.
Sombra is… better than expected.

I’m seriously enjoying this update.


The healers and tanks are all really viable but Symmetra, Torb, Bastion, and Sombra need buffs and Hanzo needs a nerf. Soldier and Reaper could also use some slight buffs while Pharah might need help with all the hitscans and Mei getting buffs.


I think it’s a pretty good update, Mercy is lower than the other supports, give she’ll need a minor buff to catch up but so far I can’t complain.

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Good balance doesn’t imply good design.


Yet Brigitte still isn’t eating spaghetti :frowning:




It really is. Brigitte eating spaghetti is the only hope for bringing the community together in triumph


Part of me cannot help feeling the game would be better balanced if we reverted to the release version of the game. The other part of me believes they have definitely improved certain aspects and I no longer want to go to the day 1 version… Yet, a lot of balance has gotten worse somehow. In other words, it is just another day in Overwatch for me.

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All my mains are stil trash somehow :man_shrugging:

I personally hate the strength of spam right now. I feel like every projectile hero minus Torb can just vomit big damage in an area without really trying and get value. Like Widow is the only hitscan worth learning at this point. It makes the entire DPS category feel pretty sloppy right now, but other than that, the game’s alright.

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Junkrat is in the crapper - so it could be better

Pharah needs a console balance patch.

I dont want to be a negative nancy, but Roadhog can still barely secure anything kill wise. Reinhardt gets tossed around like a ragdoll and is still really buggy.

Sombra is still weak, as her core issues lie with bug problems and her weak damage.

Other than that, most changes have been healthy

There’s only room for one spam hero in the meta at a time. Right now, it’s hanzo.

Also, Junkrat isn’t that bad for anti-dive or on a few points.

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What are your mains?

To be fair, most of the problems there are bugs, rather than balance issues.

Junkers, winston, Reinhardt, moira.
I also played zen and lucio but last time I checked, mine are bugged and can’t use comms or comm wheel options, so they’re unplayable for someone like me whose a blabber mouth.

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I expect Pharah (PC) to be even weaker after this patch.

I’m really happy where almost everything is at. We got a torb rework on the way. The throw turret thing sounds great so I’m excited for that also. The devs did really good in this last patch. It was perfect

Roadhog isn’t very good unless he’s paired with an Orisa, or he acts as a pseudo-flanker on certain points like Junkertown. But he does has a specific role, so he’s not ‘trash’

Reinhardt is still very good and many good Reins have developed counterplay to CC like Doomfist, Brigitte (especially) and Junkrat.

I’m not sure about Sombra yet. I’ve been playing her a lot of my alt account, and she seems to perform decently. I don’t think that she’s ‘strong’ or ‘meta’ per se, but she’s not that bad. Hacks provides a lot of good utility to the hero, and her damage is enough to one-clip most 200hp heroes (unless they get healed).

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