Being in a team officially is cheating comp mode

I was feeling like posting this but I figured it would get a lot of push back. But with the new light on team average mmr, it makes it official.

Partnering up, 2+, violates the very system of match making.

If matches are based on team average, the team who is unlucky to have lower mmr player in the most significant role or having the lower mmr players in a role group, I’m willing to bet are more likely to lose. To beat the system, control the spread of lower mmr players by simply partnering up with known sr/mmr variants in every role.

The system has to prevent this or stacks will have to be disallowed for a fair match. Mind you, your team can still be unlucky if low mmr players take a role group, but already that’s random (flex queue thoughts here as well)…

Also mind you if your solo queue and the stack collectively has low mmr in a role group, that stack will lower your chances of winning.

Folks this is fact, this is more of an announcement. Of course you can over come bad players, you have to focus on your own gameplay… yadda yadda, but sure would be nice if the system at least starts you off on an even playing field.

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It really does make you a weak player. Anyone that needs to bigstack is bigsus in terms of skill. You don’t get better with teams, comms, heals, tanks, or any kind of assist/rigging vs. solo queue randoms.

The data (and therefore matching, since we know it’s rigged off data) are EXTREMELY skewed if not corrected for coordinated grouping.

You can have mathematically secure fairness if EVERYTHING is random. That means stacks vs. solos happen randomly, streaks and stomps, freshies, smurfs, throwers, leavers – all happen randomly. If it’s randomized (mixed) properly, it will be load-balanced and become well distributed to everyone equally. And for most people engaging with this random MM, the noise level or experienced corruption would actually go down. You gameplay session might not necessarily feel better, because we’re not rigging it to protect casuals, but it will most certainly be more fair.

For true COMPETITIVE fairness, you need ZERO preferential treatment and ZERO discrimination. If you random everyone and ship around an SR bracket without MMR, you get provable fairness. MMR from data trail is rigging. It’s anti-competitive, will always be unfair in the long run, and makes a sham of their ladder, esport, and design team.


I’ve been an advocate of no-group competitive for a while now. The matchmaker doesn’t just match your MMRs together… it makes sure the other side has a higher skill range or a nearly exact pairing on the other side (in terms of stack size+MMR).

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Yes that’s team average, but does it check roles? I don’t think so, and that’s where the unfairness comes in.

If stacks preventing you from picking roles… that would be fair, but you better know all role sr of the person your grouping with.

It does not and never has.

If we are comparing player to player, I agree 100%. Solo-queue is the best measure. OTOH, it’s a team game, and with Clans coming I am quite excited at the idea of joining a Clan and playing with something resembling a team. Clans will help educate players, organize them, and reduce toxicity between teammates.

On the original point, this is why Blizz had to stop players though at GM from stacking; they were unbeatable in certain groups and just sat there occupying slots forever.

I’ll join a clan but I wont like it. I do see the benefits but anything “social” around this game ends up blowing up. And any 1 wrong move or play that failed and I see you being “kicked out” - thats just added stress I dont want.

and ultimately its all because the match maker is busted… they rather build this big system than just fix the core issue.

I think that is going to come down to the personalities in the Clan. Some will be more serious, a lot of others less so.


Disagree. Playing solo makes you a weaker player.

I will take anyone who plays in a coordinated team 100 percent of the time. They actually put more effort into properly learning the game.


said it a thousand times… solo que and group que should be separate but i’ve been called stupid more times than i can count so… ill see myself out.

Is there something preventing you from playing in a team? Or you simply do not want to duo or play in a team?

I’ve went Bronze to Gold Solo Q only and I personally like to Solo Q. At this point I do not even know if I would even be able to play in a duo environment but that is mostly because of me personally not the duo Q itself.

I like to play this game by Solo Q-ing. It might just be me being salty but every time I had a duo Q in my matches they were never in VC and they never played as a team only played in a sense to help their duo teammate.

Nonetheless you still have games where even if you have a duo on your team it neither helps you or deters you from winning a match since sometimes they are either so impactful in a match and sometimes it is like they are not even in the match at all.

Hence why I like Solo Q-ing. I do not have to rely on anyone. If I cannot make something happen on my own (which is a very bad stance to have in a team game, but that is what low elos are) then I am doing something wrong.

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I do better in solo q than in a stack :man_shrugging:

the door is the other way…


shh. :shushing_face: was trying to grab something out of the fridge I swear :frowning: .

Let the door hit you on the way out :slight_smile:

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butt head. :skull: y so mean

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