Try playing a tank then you can speak… and no zarya is barely a tank
Yeah should have nerfed his shield HP and damage or something
I have to admit they nerfed ball the right way if they insist! It’s one of those nerfs where you won’t be quite as effective, but it won’t feel terrible. Nicely done.
That sigma nerf is really really nasty though, wow.
i actually wish it was the other way around. hammond nerfed HARSHLY and simga getting a slap on the wrist
just personal bias tho
Let’s consider buffing his counters
Now I won’t deny that Sigma and Hammond are starting to have oppressive pickrates in GM atm, Sigma is at 13.83% (Means he’s played 82.98% of the time) and Hammond is at 11.33% (67.98% of the time), in the last week. Now I won’t argue that Sigma could do with a tuning, but Hammond, I don’t think he needs balance changes
Right now the problem is, his counters are just worthless to play. Sombra is the main counter at shutting him down and she has an abysmal pickrate across the board, 0.17% pickrate in the last week, she has maintained this pickrate for a long time and it’s honestly ridiculous she hasn’t had a balance change since 12th of March 2020 (I believe) which was just to decrease her spread by 10%
The other counter to him is Mei, she also has a whopping pickrate of 0.45% in GM, even lower rank players aren’t even bothering to play her, while she has had balance changes in recent times, none of them have been impactful and moreso just minor tweaks.
Doomfist is another character that can be surprisingly good at Hammond (If Hammond dares go near him) at times and even he’s sitting at a 0.9% pickrate, his last balance change was the 19th of May 2020 (don’t quote me)
So it’s no wonder that Hammond is performing so well of late, because his counters are just garbage, so lets try and make other heroes viable before we just knee-jerk nerf a character (like Blizzard normally do when characters hit this level of pickrate) that may not even have an impact on him (Like I seriously think you’d have to give Hammond a major nerf to actually cull his pickrate at this point)
Sombra cannot be buffed for the same reason you cannot really buff Bastion, Sym, Mei, Pharah, and Reaper and that is that at a certain level of play those heroes are very good at buffs would absolutely break them.
Buffing his counters makes things worse for everyone else. I don’t think anyone wants that. The Hamond nerf is a slap on the wrist.
bad take you actually have to do things unlike brig
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Is a flat out lie rofl, someone wasn’t here a year ago
Mei, Doom, Brig, Ana, Rein, Orisa, etc. have all had their CC nerfed
Woa, slight CC nerfs doesn’t reject the fact that the only heroes released without CC have been Moira, Baptise and Echo, the balance state between a year ago and now is negligible compared to what the game was like in the early days, sorry I didn’t specifically say “it’s slightly less then it was a year ago”
I’m aware there are distinct increases in power across several aspects of the game such as raw healing output , the introduction of new heroes and mechanics, or things like Wrecking Ball’s extreme mobility.
… so while they are saying balls extreme mobility is one of the problems… it’s not the worst offender or the biggest problem.