Before we consider a nerf to Hammond

Try playing a tank then you can speak… and no zarya is barely a tank

Yeah should have nerfed his shield HP and damage or something

i actually wish it was the other way around. hammond nerfed HARSHLY and simga getting a slap on the wrist

just personal bias tho

Sombra cannot be buffed for the same reason you cannot really buff Bastion, Sym, Mei, Pharah, and Reaper and that is that at a certain level of play those heroes are very good at buffs would absolutely break them.

Buffing his counters makes things worse for everyone else. I don’t think anyone wants that. The Hamond nerf is a slap on the wrist.

bad take you actually have to do things unlike brig

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Woa, slight CC nerfs doesn’t reject the fact that the only heroes released without CC have been Moira, Baptise and Echo, the balance state between a year ago and now is negligible compared to what the game was like in the early days, sorry I didn’t specifically say “it’s slightly less then it was a year ago”

Nice argument my guy.


… so while they are saying balls extreme mobility is one of the problems… it’s not the worst offender or the biggest problem.