Been hoarding lootboxes for until next blizzcon

Oof, feelsbadman :disappointed:

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Wrecking ball loot boxes? I don’t recall these

During that first week (or two?) when he was first introduced, you were rewarded with those two one-time themed loot boxes simply for logging in. No other new hero has come with their own introductory loot boxes since.


I hoard credits so I usually open them. Got all skins long ago, get all new event skins from boxes by just playing a little bit, etc. I have 20 boxes cause I’m too lazy to open them atm lol.

Wha? Are borders getting removed? I think they’re good tbh. Gives people a lil reward to show others how long they’ve been playing

From the man himself:

There may be a bit of speculation surrounding exactly what he means by this “new system”, but I also recall screenshots of Overwatch 2 footage taken by WyomingMyst from last year’s BlizzCon having a simplistic minimalist border. Sadly, I don’t have that link on hand.

I’m still salty about losing my beautiful border. Maxing it out before ow2.

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Oh no, that’s so sad :frowning: I like the borders

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Yeah, I’m going to really miss mine. I’ve had it for years now; it’s become a part of my online OW identity. :cry:

Honestly this conversation makes me wonder what will happen to boxes and credits in ow2. Like will those be replaced by a new system? Will you lose all credits and boxes you accumulated when ow2 comes out? :thinking:

But then you’re going to miss out on buying halloween, christmas/winter wonderland and lunar new year skins

Am I the only one that screenshots when they get level 91 with 5 stars on a border?

they’ll be back for less credits the following year. And hey, there’s still the weekly challenges skins/unlocks! And anniversary will be after blizzcon

“Overwatch 2 will be removing the lootbox system”

loud smashing of computer mice

Little trick I learned for flying long distances in ARK…

Take some quarters. About $5-$6 worth. Stack them. Carefully roll them in a cylinder of packing tape. Viola! Little heavy cylinder you can put on the spacebar. For other keys that might require it, the size of a quarter is a bit too large. Supplement the quarters with about 5-6 dimes, neatly stacked and wrapped in a layer of tape. The dimes alone aren’t heavy enough to press a key, but they are tall enough to put the quarters atop without disturbing surrounding keys.

Nope :slight_smile: Haven’t joined in on that fun. I don’t have all of the OW1 collectibles yet so I’m trying to get most of them before OW2 launches. I think I have about 10k credits right now

I’m doing that as well. I heard some events might be replaced so now I’m saving as many credits as possible to try and complete all event item collections. So far I’ve completed archives and summer games.

Question: Is there limit that you can’t have more than 300k credits?

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No limit on how many credits you can have

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There is no artificially imposed upper bounds to the credits you may accumulate—to my knowledge, that is—beyond the computer signed integer limitations of however many bytes the devs have chosen to represent their numbers in. I assume Blizzard uses signed integers, since I once heard of someone having negative currency when they issued a chargeback on their loot box purchase after opening them.

Here’s what I currently have:

Perhaps you might agree with me in thinking that 389,930 cr is not quite as pleasant on the eyes as all the zeros of the 300k screenshot. (Also note the lack of a comma separator when viewing the credit count at the hero customization page vs the loot box page!) Plus I was fulfilling the requests for 300k screenshots for Cheesecake. :wink:

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