Been hoarding lootboxes for until next blizzcon

Ever since i reached exactly 2020 credits i decided to not open a single lootbox i aquire in any shape or form until we reach the upcoming blizzcon (which is now officially happening in Feb), in order to celebrate more ow2 news.

I know loot is pre-determined when you get one, but i figured ‘what the heck’, could be a fun experiment. And turns out a friend of mine had the same idea. So i’ve been wondering if anyone else has been doing the same… If not, well, why not join the fun?

You do realise that lootbox loot is determined when you get the lootbox not when u open a lootbox? However other than that, I hope you get the items your looking for my man.


Ive been saving lootboxes since Lucio ball '19, but Ill never open them because I have too many (1060)

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Ahah i would, but i literally only get dupes at this point, so it would just be that unfortunately and that wouldn’t be my ideal of fun. But I hope you and your friend get whatever you wanted in your boxes!

Im waiting for the one player with a dia border to come and show off his 300k credits :pleading_face:

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Place something heavy on your spacebar and go AFK.


Experiment is noble but the time it takes to open loot boxes is ridiculous (due to the gambling principle i’ve been told). Same with packs in HS.

Allowing for bulk “opening” would be an easy/great idea, but we’ll never have the privilege of course.

that’s literally adressed on my post… did you just read the title and ignored the rest?


I have a 1008 lootboxes that I never bother to open because it’d take too long. Plus, there isnt anything to ever spend my currency on so I dont even need credits :woman_shrugging:

I have been summoned! Here was my stash of loot boxes when I had 300k credits:


Put something heavy enough on your spacebar and go AFK, as someone else said. It opens lootboxes just by holding spacebar. No need to even make individual presses.

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Oh my god, I want your credits. Surely to get that high level you must have to have played OW almost everyday since launch, no?

Holy shazbot
(20 characters required)

Just about!

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Doing something completely pointless for an arbitrary reason? No, can’t say I have. Where exactly is the fun in that?

That’s crazy. I get burned out a lot of the time. I usually take big breaks and go play my other games like ark or warframe, or just play some singleplayer games n chill. Still gold border tho. Gonna get that plat eventually

Like you and everyone else, I get burned out from time to time, too. I still usually played at least 30 minutes of Overwatch per day even when focused on other games.

You might want to hurry on getting that plat border (and don’t delay taking your keepsake screenshots when you do). Who knows how much time we have left before all borders are removed. :roll_eyes:

I also have a lootbox collection. I accidentally opened up one of the hammond boxes when I sneezed a couple months ago. I was depressed for a while afterwards.

Oof, feelsbadman :disappointed:

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Wrecking ball loot boxes? I don’t recall these