Been bronze since season 7

I remember a game at 2400 Sr where sticking a Torb turret on the payload was an unstoppable strat…

I added you by the way, maybe we can play sometime.

Sure why not it sounds fun

There was a video of around 700 SR that was so bad you almost swore they were doing it on purpose. Truth is now even in high bronze (I know I have a smurf account there for learning ults) people have actually gotten sort of “decent”

The game is 2.5 years old I dont think there are really any “bad people” left that are still queing. They were snuffed out of the system seasons ago.

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Was that the Unit Lost Soldier video?

It was the constant feeding was crazy. Then you see the same in plat games…

Worst thing is he placed 2200 initially. Low ELO is full of overplaced players.

It was a genji video one where he just stands on a bastion meditating. I liked the dva that just sat at max distance firing which is ok for a few seconds during a poking phase but not for a minute straight.

Look up [Chro - SubReview - Polishpimp - Mercy - 2200 on youtube. That was like season 4 I think. It’s so bad that I honestly think if I played like that today I probably wouldnt break 1000

Right so with the MMR system so the match maker and the MMR value… this is the problem with the ranking system itself.

It may feel like you are getting decent matches but that is because the system is matching people of your Bronze equivalent with similar skill level.

A Skill Level doesn’t reflect well into Skill Rank. Being a designer/developer myself and having looked into this and hearing what other people have experimented and tested… there is a number of things to take.

Bronze to X Rank challenge don’t work because the MMR is superficial. If you gradually upped your MMR rating but keeping a balance Win/Loss to maintain in Bronze, you will gradually start getting queued with people of your same statistical Skill Level at that Skill Rank.

It is because of the fair balance feature that causes ELO hell.

At Bronze or any rank for that matter there are a group of distinct player types.

  • Derankers - People throwing, messing about, generally not caring and are willing to derank themselves
  • Alternate Account Users - Players who use a throw away account who will either derank to smurf and stomp people or people practice heroes they don’t play, honestly QP and Arcade is not a bad place to practice
  • Try Hard Wannabe’s - People who are keen to play a certain way and may not understand fully how to execute it
  • Casual Competitor’s - Playing the game for fun and casually
  • Hardcore Competitor’s - People who are extremely devoted to competitive

and so on… Due to the nature of Smurfs and Derankers… when you hit the bottom of the ladder there is going to be 3 distinct types of players…

Derankers who genuinely do not care and are playing to troll, for fun and to generally not care… then there are those who are unfortunate enough to land in that rank and could be young, inexperience or not very good/invested in competitive and then, there are people who are practising.

The reason you are finding more decent players is because the MMR system is catching up to your Skill Level, in order to not make you stomp people in Bronze it is actively seeking other Bronze players of your equal skill and at Bronze there are skilled players but due to the nature of the way they are playing, they may not be actively trying to climb.

Which is why Silver and Gold is a mess you have people trying to make their way down the ladder and people trying to make their way up.

Diamond + are ignorant to this fact which is why I hate it when they come and keep sprouting their comments about get good -.-

Honestly for me, I dont see a difference between Silver, Gold or Plat… just the number of mistakes made and the strategy chosen for attack or defense.


Look at my stats, yes there is hope to get out. Heck my other account was in Bronze from season 4. Just play calm, role support keep cool and play around others.

There is a HUGE difference between low silver and plat The problem is it’s so early in the season that it’s still a mess. There are tons of people in sub 2000 that deranked whether intentional or end of season tilt along with the fact there are tons of people who re enter early on that havent played much as of late and are rusty as hell.

TRUST ME after about 2 weeks the ladder will sort itself out a bit and people will be where they should be for the most part. You will then definitely notice the difference in 1000 SR

I’m curious, how much do you gain a win and how much do you lose a loss?

My rank is directly correlated to my latency.

Since the new patch I have had higher latency and lost matches.

The marginal increase or decrease in accuracy makes a huge difference. A lag spike where I thought I was pulling off a maneuver but didn’t that ruins a good push can be devastating to a game.

In games where I have low latency I stomp people with DPS. In games with high latency I do average. On games with lag spikes it looks like I have some kind of head injury.

People underestimate the hardware component. I assume because they are children wiithout much technical competency and way too much emotion wrapped up in their need to be good at Overwatch.

I know that if I could play regularly at <30ms with an FPS of 150 that i’d be playing at a much higher tier. My computer only does about 45 FPS and a good ping for me is 60ms. Resolution plays a factor as well as the more DPI you have the easier it is to land headshots.

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Yes hello. I got out and got to 2700 SR last season.

No you wont. I did:
S7: bronze-master
S9: bronze-plat
S10: bronze-diamond
S11: bronze-plat
S12: bronze-plat

And what you say does simply NOT happen. Also theres not enough people at low ranks to sort into “bad” or “good” players. You literally play with the same people every day, because the tier is so bad that’s actually difficult to stay there if you have a pc that can run the game and you are trying to win.

Quick question did you do it properly?

Not lose on purpose to get down to Bronze rank but play your hardest to fullest potential on your main but purposely losing.

If you derank on purpose to Bronze and don’t properly set up your MMR, then you are tricking the system and therefore the Bronze to x rank challenge is a corrupted result.

By purposely dropping and not playing to your full potential in order to lose and get to bronze means you are corrupting your MMR and by the time you are at Bronze, the Match Maker will rank you base on that fake stats like say all you did was do 100 damage, 0 kills, 0 obj time and 1% aim and 30 deaths average… the MMR will be set around that value and when the match maker makes the match make base on those stats you have artificially created and you play to your potential…

You will be dealing like 10k~15k damage… you could be make 3 or 5 kills to 1 death… you could have 60~70% aim and all the while you fighting people you should never have been match made with.

Deranking on purpose to look cool with that challenge isn’t something to brag about.

Not to mention certain heroes can reward better which lead to a lot of SR/MMR manipulation.

Like Symmetra can absolutely destroy the lower ranks… doesn’t mean she is good but usually with teams so disorganised she tends to succeed and due to her low pick rate there is less people to compare with when the MMR comparison system is still active.

This is just patently untrue. I placed in bronze my first season and climbed to gold by the end of the season. There is hope of getting out. I won something in the neighborhood of 150 games that season. It’s a grind and that’s just the reality of it. You will ultimately lose 1/3 of your games no matter what, because of things outside of your control. You should be winning the other 2/3 because of YOUR actions.

This is also just… really untrue. If you’re in bronze, chances are, you made mistakes. If you played perfectly all the time, you wouldn’t be in bronze.

People in gold aren’t that good. If you think you are too good for bronze, and you have trouble with a gold player, you still have some work to do. Playing against one gold player shouldn’t be oppressive.

My advice to you is to find a community (maybe a Discord community) that is dedicated to helping you achieve your goals of climbing and improving. Additionally, you will climb faster if you duo or three-stack with people you like and trust.

I coach regularly for a few bronze players who are extremely dedicated to improvement. If you’re struggling to find people to play with, feel free to add me and I can put you in contact.

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Yes. 1st one was a friend’s account that he gifted me because he quit the game out of frustration.
S2 gold, S3 silver, all seasons past that up to 7 “stuck in bronze”.

Then i had an account from my ex placed silver and dropped to >500.

The rest the forum rules dont allow me to disclose because they werent done by the rules (and i got banned for it by the way).

EDIT: Btw yesterday i had the pleasure of playing in 2.5k with some friends. I was filling and playing for fun, we won some and we would have lost some but i didnt want my rein make my friends drop SR so i picked tracer 4th DPS and won both games.

If you are stuck try tracer, she is very OP.

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I meant the process of getting to Bronze… like losing your matches whilst playing all out is quite difficult since the system actively tries to keep things fail and balance.

At best you would be trap in your own rank and on verge of victory you would have to throw and let the OT clock go to zero and usually such behaviours triggers people to report.

Like deranking isn’t easy when trying to maintain MMR

Also playing another’s account isn’t an accurate result because your MMR/Skill Value is different from your friends.

Like you can’t drop suddenly unless you disconnect, quit matches or lose by playing seriously.

Umm we know it’s a fail.

You can’t get to bronze without being one of the worst players. There’s noone with my MMR (which isn’t that good) down in bronze.
Every smurf you see there is either someone on someone elses account or someone that threw.

So i don’t know what you mean. Theres literally 0 chance than a plat+ player can drop to bronze. I have played completely drunk / stoned and still can carry up to gold. I cannot lose silver games on any hero any comp unless i throw or they have a smurf (which is pretty rare btw).

I have WON games in bronze with my friend and i afk. I literally won a game where the enemy didnt get the payload to the bridge in gibraltar, literally 4v6. They were all real bronzes btw, noone “carried” that.

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How good do you think you really are? From my experience anyone playing a dps class that hovers around 2:1 k/d at their bracket has some serious issues. The worst part is you are in the lowest bracket and struggle to kill stuff.
You usually end up with all the medals on Doomfist but average 2/game with and even mix of colors. 1 card in 12 games.
Your Sombra looks better but I have a feeling you are emping at terrible times or very uncoordinated with it

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