Been bronze since season 7

literally just shoot your weapon in the general direction of the enemy and you’re already better than most bronze players


ummm… if you’re in bronze you and your team are both the issue… dude if you want ill even like review vod’s and help you if you stream or something. Idk, bronze means you’re missing basically 80% of your shots, or hitting only body shots and never making plays.

I have to say, I’ve climbed from bronze to gold twice now. Both in very different ways. The first time was in season 7 playing roadhog almost every way and basically brute forcing my way up so to speak relying solely on eliminating everyone I could with a small priority on healers first. I never learned about the game or why I was able to climb I just got better at aiming and hooking. However after maintaining gold for a few seasons only playing roadhog(not climbing at this point, struggling to maintain rank) I wanted to play ana as my main last season. I would consistantly heal like my life depended on it and had something like a 53% win rate but started to realize I was falling even though I had a winning percentage. I couldn’t understand it and I blamed my team so much because I didn’t understand how I could pump 12-18k healing consistantly in a 10-14 min game and still be falling in rank. I got so tilted I turned off all voice chat/team chat and played widow/hanzo and sometimes roadhog or zarya if we literally had no tank but as I didn’t really know how to position or utilize my kits to their full potential on hanzo or widow I fell to 1400 sr. bronze again. The amount of vods and youtube videos I’ve watched on games was absolutely amazing. It really made me realize why I was falling. It all came down to impact. Even though I was pumping out so much healing with ana I was never “supporting” so to speak, only healing. I never took advantage of anti-nading a whole team coming through a choke and although I would hit 7-15 sleeps a game they almost always had zero impact because it was such a low priority sleep. I took a completely different approach this season and climbed from bronze back to gold playing primarily zarya( a little of every take however) and started trying to focus on the impact of the tank role specifically. I’m not saying I’m a great player but I have climbed from bronze to gold twice as I said which is an answer to your original post. If you’re honestly wanting to get better and your original post wasn’t just a rant then you can. In your original post you said you put hundreds of hours into heroes and have put in too much time and effort to be stuck here. You can’t look at it as a thing of practice makes perfect because that’s just not the case, perfect practice makes perfect. So if you’re playing the same way consistently every game, it won’t change. The first thing you need to look at is not what you are doing though, it’s your mindset. Stop thinking about how many hours you put in, or what your kd is or what medals you have, they don’t matter. getting a kill in a lost team fight is still a lost team fight even if you get a gold medal for it. I promise if you start thinking more along the lines of what you can do that would have a bigger impact on the team success instead of how well you can play your heroes in order to get kills you will start seeing improvement. Also a big problem that I saw when I went back to bronze is not grouping up. If you can have the game sense to say “hey guys group up” a lot of times you will see that players will respond to this, maybe not verbally, but I’ve said this in my games and could immediately see players pulling back to group. If they don’t you can still be aware that it’s the tanks jobs to create space, so if your tank dies before getting through the choke it’s probably not the time to go to the back line and try and get a hack when you’re on sombra.

I know this post is long but in short if you start thinking of what you can do on the hero you’re currently playing to get the most value in a team fight, instead of thinking of how your teammates are holding you back, you will see more success. You could get 100 hacks and 50 players hit by emp in a game but if your team isn’t there to follow up on it, then it’s the same as getting 0 hacks and 0 players emp’d. Lastly, if you think you’re going to be stuck in bronze forever then you will but not because of a lack of skill or improvement.

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Yeap i was ignoring this because my latency and overall game was ON POINT…then i lowered the settings to the minimun and BANG hitting heads…so i realize, the games seems to run fine, but for a FPS that is not enough, that milliseconds graphic lag was the difference between hitting NOTHING AT ALL OMG IM HANDYCAP and Oh well im not that bad.

I play at pretty low graphics settings. Balancing wanting the game to look good against performance.

damn that sucks. like i have been hardstuck diamond on my main since season 4

Took a look at your stats on overbuff and it looks like you are in the rank where you should be. 27% weapon accuracy on sombra is top 99% which means that accuracy is worse than 99% of players. Also your elim and damage stats are low as well on sombra. Climbing is only possible if you improve, If a player’s skill level remains the same they won’t climb

I solo-queued out in season 10-11. Good enough for you? I’m low gold now hovering around 2100.

To leave just stick with a teammate near the objective and shoot who that player shoots. It doesn’t take divine intervention to beat the absolute worst players in the game. And I was trapped around 800 SR for a season. You can escape.

lol you make it sound like you went to hell or something