Been bronze since season 7

I placed bronze and I got out in a season.
Got out of silver the next season.
Spent 1 season and half in gold.
And another season and a half in plat/low diamond.
Now I’m mid/high diamond looking to get masters.

I’ve smurfed in lower elos multiple times even recently and it’s been extremely easy to get out even playing heroes that I had no experience on before.

D.Va is extremely easy to carry with actually. At least for me.
I’ll do it if you want me to but I’m definitely going to use my mic and communicate because that’s part of the game.
I think I can climb without it but it’s a lot more tedious that way.


Improve aiming accuracy and if that fails pick Brigitte :grin:

It is possible stay positive. I climbed out of bronze in my first season. After placing gold and dropping to bronze. Learned the game played exclusively soldier and just because I played cod I was able to carry on mechanical skill alone to plat. I had to learn the game first which was my issue I didn’t understand the game.

It is possible keep your head up. Soldier isn’t as good against meta now days but in bronze. He can definitely carry games hard with a sprint to reposition and self heal for no reliance on healers.

I can log in your account and be gold in like 3 hrs. 90%+ winrate.

The problem here is that you are one of the worst players there is. Its very, very, very easy to improve above your rank. You can train 10 minutes a day and be out of bronze.

In any case you seem to be quite rude and entitled, so… Keep being bronze and have a horrible time at the game.


Well I climbed out of Bronze in season 10 but the skill requirement was unreasonably high. Until Gold you have to carry games by yourself
and even there I bet you can get unlucky and lose because of your team.
For me its Diamond that feels impossible to escape. Even in TDM people just don’t realise how stupid they play and the whole team gets punished for every mistake they make.
Its just Overwatch don’t look at SR just try to get better. You would be depressed if you knew how many bad players sit in a rank above you.

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I was legitimately about 600 SR in season 2, and am currently high gold / low plat. If you get better, you will rank up.

Here is my advice: Bronze - Sliver - Gold ranking guide

Note especially the psychology section.

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Well then you’re pretty bad

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If you cant climb out of bronze thats your fault

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I thought that was bs, then i changed my mouse and overall computer. And turn out i wasnt so bad aiming, i was just aiming whit graphics lag.

I been playing soldier and it took me on a winning streak hard carrying from 1200 bronce to 1908 silver whit a few now and then looses, i think im probably gonna stop around somewhere gold.

So yeah what you say…but if i would have read it a couple of weeks before i would had say @BS

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In my climb I never really communicated much until mid diamond. I’d also like evidence of a GM player losing a Bronze game I guess I could understand it happening once on there way up but it sounds really unlikely. No GM has ever had issues getting out of bronze.


Same. I can spawncamp 1v6 most games in bronze. If I have a pocket support I guarantee I can do it.

Once we were smurfing (low gold) with a friend and we went mercy Zen.

We spawncamped the whole round. Out teammates never actually fought the enemy (one even got dc for inactivity)

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So, I looked at your profile and stats-- is Sombra really the best choice for Bronze? I love Sombra (my profile is public, check it out), but when I was in Bronze and Silver (and even now in Gold) I really wonder if my teammates have the ability to capitalize on what Sombra brings to the table. If you’re maining her, that could be part of the issue-- though your win % is pretty good on her.

This is kind of your problem, screw all of that and just work on your own self improvement such as dodging and your accuracy, watching streams and stuff like that is like watching a show about fitness instead of exercising if that makes sense.

The reason i say this is because all that stuff you’re learning are things you’ll never really run into at your current rank, the meta characters or anything in between don’t matter very much in bronze, sure those videos could teach you positioning and stuff but doing this or that in grandmaster won’t translate as well in bronze.

Not true at all, i was in bronze, mostly because i jumped right into comp at level 25, i practiced and improved and made it to gold which is where i’m at now.

Also since you are asking for help i assume i gave a check to your profile, your accuracy could use improvement, your average for sombra is 26%, your average for ana is 18% and your average for doomfist is 15%, try going for 30%

I think your aim might actually be your number one problem.

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Maybe switch to less aim intensive heroes while you learn to hit your shots!

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Forgot to add: try picking up s76. I found him to be intuitive and, frankly, easy to play after spending so much time on Sombra. He really helps me hone my aim, as well. If you really get good with him, he can punish the disorganization often seen in lower ELO too, imo.


You say you sent in vods and tried to improve, but you aren’t demonstrating the mindset of an eager learner. I started to climb when I hunkered down and focused solely on my gameplay and setting milestones; not worried about my rank. I climbed with Tracer seasons like 4-8 from Silver to Plat. I focused on thing like improving my tracking. I did drills and calibrated my sensitivity until I could circle strafe while shooting and jumping so that it felt second nature. Going into a match i set milestones for things like least amount of deaths and pulse bomb sticks. Yes! I stuck 4/7 pulse bombs this match! Last match It was only 2/5. Yes! I only died 5 times this match! Last time it was 11! Hmm, I only had Bronze damage though, I should probably focus on crits next match. Hmm, I die a lot trying to go after Hanzo. I should probably just save my pulse bomb for him or flank him.

Overtime, without realizing it, I had climbed. People were accusing me of being a smurf in Gold because nobody plays Tracer in Gold. Improvement is measurable and quantifiable. Step back and think about what character you want to play better with, not what will get you out of Bronze. In time, it will happen naturally if you actually improve.

Since i joined to Competitive i have been Silver, I ranked sometimes gold, and sometimes i went down to Bronze, most of time i am silver.

So i am someone who goes in and out, then i can guarantee you are doing something wrong, if you excel your team then you are suppose to be the one who finds a way to get out… changed heroes, solve situations, make the game winnable for your team. It is very hard to get out of bronze, ppl down there are SPECIAL… GL with those Special. One thing, practice with either hanzo or Widow for 30 days, then go as below as 500 SR, then you will eventually climb up.

I’d get outta bronze pretty easily these days, but it would have been hard when I was that level.

I play a lot of Roadhog and I just like to muarude around the map looking for people to kill, I just wonder around where I feel that the enemy would never expect to find a tank, I’d imagine you’d be able to play dps like that and get outta bronze.

Focus on improving your mechanics and you can really get away with some very risky plays.

I’m a platinum hanzo player. I made a account to play heroes other than hanzo in competitive, because im kinda a one trick. I placed it in bronze playing mostly hog/zarya and reaper. I know i know, im probabaly boosted. but from that point, i just started playing widow, who i know i have a lot of hours on, but i am terrible at her and cant play her in comp. I managed to place 1800 from borderline bronze, 1500, so yes, it is possible with the mechanics. If i played only tanks i still could have done it i bet too, but i was just impatient and instalocked dps. I am now around 2300 on it, but it was a hard climb for sure. Elo hell is most definitley a thing, dont let people tell you it isnt. I was at 1900 or ages, and i even resorted to a couple matches of hanzo just to get out of it, its god awful, just seeing your team walk into the enemy and dying. Just get better mechanics, play hanzo/widow/hog/soldier, anything that is independent and can self sustain.


It always been that way but they realise the Season 1 bracket wasn’t wide enough

But at the same time, these people are the same people who make comments like “like you belong where you belong”

Like you, I have made improvements but High Rank individuals will always come along and throw insulting comments trying to put people down by looking down on them.

Well it depends on what you are doing and to what to what level of MMR you are playing at, at bronze.

Bare in mind there are derankers and smurf players down there… as long as you play to win, you can climb so long as you win your matches.

I spoke too soon… here comes the rude commentary… whilst I agree with the comment ‘Get good’, you are also forgetting the fact that the Match maker system is also matching people of similar Skill Level/Value so they should be balance in terms of aim and other statistical value.

At best he should be winning 50/50 of his matches. The problem is actually getting a positive win rate to climb

Play your main… play something you are good at and I never been in Bronze but just play to win.

This is a better way of commenting… like you aren’t coming off as a rude jerk and yes I agree, the matchmaker is doing its job, regardless of Rank it will still find someone of your skill level. (MMR and SR are two different things) even with his terrible stats, he can still climb if he gets lucky and win matches

You know… there is a better way of putting it… I mean Team Work won’t exist in Bronze (never been there so I don’t know…)

but what he could do is play to win, if his personal skill is above the team he should be able to beat them so long as he plays a hero he is experienced and good at, alternatively he can play as a team but each mistake and selfish that is taken by himself or his team mates will cost him the match.

Also it is knowing when to stop, I stopped bothering chasing Sr, if I do climb, I will stop at a value I am happy with

This is true <3

I want to point out that over on EU, Gold Level there means no mics, no communication, do what you have to do and then shout heavy thick accent comments and insults and be sexist and racist to others.

The Gold over here is at a plat level where they are and your matches are a lot higher quality. Likewise Korea is a whole league/tier above the rest of the world.

Also artificially dropping your rank to play hard isn’t helpful since it just creates this false ego that climbing is really easy then in fact people have been losing matches on purpose playing like a fraction of their full abilities then playing to max capability and stomping people because they are 100x better than those at those rank.

You can artificially drop to Bronze because it means by time you do get there match maker is finding people who are naturally weaker than you as oppose to losing your matches whilst still doing your best to drop down to bronze.

(hope that made sense)

You can still screw up with brig so… probs not a good advice

This is true and people don’t realise it. Like I climbed with Widowmaker but to avoid people throwing I have to play other rules and since people are unwilling to support, I end up on the support role which works and doesn’t work because of team mates.

(sorry I can’t shoot through a wall and hit you Genji… you are miles ahead)