I will tell you what that is. You think you are better than you are and you are not. A simple look through your profile tells me all that I need to know. You’re playing Ana and have an abysmal 18% accuracy, with a 1/3 of all damage done being shield spam. Your Sombra has a sad 26% accuracy and piss poor 6% crit. Your Doomfist has a 15% accuracy and you claim that you were carrying on it.
You are a bronze player. Get better at the game, and you will climb. Stop making excuses for your ineptitude.
I barely started playing anna and doomfist last week 0_o of course those two are bad I have like 3 hours on them they arent my mains. I just got told in previous threads to try them
You ignored the fact that your Sombra isn’t better. You clearly need to reevaluate your games and stop blaming the matchmaker. The point of competitive is to place you in games that are equal to your skill level. The reason you cannot climb is because you are of that skill level. Stop fixating on the SR number and aim train.
And clearly not enough time or effort. Stop feeling entitled. You are not entitled to any SR progression if you cannot win games at 1000 SR.
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And you will remain stuck because you deserve to be stuck. The matchmaker is not to blame. Not everyone is capable of surpassing their peers. Everyone is getting better around you as well, you have to get better at a pace far beyond their’s in order to climb.
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that’s kind of the point here though isn’t it? Kirino is better at the game and therefore higher ranked. You are simply not good enough (yet) to climb out of bronze. If you put in time and effort to properly get better, I’m convinced you can also climb out of bronze. Properly work on yourself and your mindset, rather than going into your matches thinking there’s no point to improve anyway, because you already feel like you’re better than everyone your rank and you will see improvements in yourself and your skill rating.
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All I hear is a lot of talking. I’ve seen GM players lose bronze matches before DURING vod coaching vids. In no other game could a pro tier player lose to a bunch of mechanical noobs. Most of them were placed there during early seasons when they had the benefit of a larger player base during a time when everyone was god awful. Only the hardcore remain, so climbing is MUCH harder than it used to be. And for some perspective: pc is by far the most difficult platform. If you’re gold on PC, you’re probably high plat/diamond at a minimum. I want to see someone solo queue and not use a mic nor a hard carry hero and make it from bronze to GM. Lemme know when that happens. Go ahead and use dva every single match, one trick her the entire time with the above parameters. When those conditions are met, we can revisit the topic. Until then, anybody can claim whatever they please.
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I placed bronze and I got out in a season.
Got out of silver the next season.
Spent 1 season and half in gold.
And another season and a half in plat/low diamond.
Now I’m mid/high diamond looking to get masters.
I’ve smurfed in lower elos multiple times even recently and it’s been extremely easy to get out even playing heroes that I had no experience on before.
D.Va is extremely easy to carry with actually. At least for me.
I’ll do it if you want me to but I’m definitely going to use my mic and communicate because that’s part of the game.
I think I can climb without it but it’s a lot more tedious that way.
Improve aiming accuracy and if that fails pick Brigitte
It is possible stay positive. I climbed out of bronze in my first season. After placing gold and dropping to bronze. Learned the game played exclusively soldier and just because I played cod I was able to carry on mechanical skill alone to plat. I had to learn the game first which was my issue I didn’t understand the game.
It is possible keep your head up. Soldier isn’t as good against meta now days but in bronze. He can definitely carry games hard with a sprint to reposition and self heal for no reliance on healers.
I can log in your account and be gold in like 3 hrs. 90%+ winrate.
The problem here is that you are one of the worst players there is. Its very, very, very easy to improve above your rank. You can train 10 minutes a day and be out of bronze.
In any case you seem to be quite rude and entitled, so… Keep being bronze and have a horrible time at the game.
Well I climbed out of Bronze in season 10 but the skill requirement was unreasonably high. Until Gold you have to carry games by yourself
and even there I bet you can get unlucky and lose because of your team.
For me its Diamond that feels impossible to escape. Even in TDM people just don’t realise how stupid they play and the whole team gets punished for every mistake they make.
Its just Overwatch don’t look at SR just try to get better. You would be depressed if you knew how many bad players sit in a rank above you.
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I was legitimately about 600 SR in season 2, and am currently high gold / low plat. If you get better, you will rank up.
Here is my advice: Bronze - Sliver - Gold ranking guide
Note especially the psychology section.
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Well then you’re pretty bad
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If you cant climb out of bronze thats your fault
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I thought that was bs, then i changed my mouse and overall computer. And turn out i wasnt so bad aiming, i was just aiming whit graphics lag.
I been playing soldier and it took me on a winning streak hard carrying from 1200 bronce to 1908 silver whit a few now and then looses, i think im probably gonna stop around somewhere gold.
So yeah what you say…but if i would have read it a couple of weeks before i would had say @BS
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In my climb I never really communicated much until mid diamond. I’d also like evidence of a GM player losing a Bronze game I guess I could understand it happening once on there way up but it sounds really unlikely. No GM has ever had issues getting out of bronze.
Same. I can spawncamp 1v6 most games in bronze. If I have a pocket support I guarantee I can do it.
Once we were smurfing (low gold) with a friend and we went mercy Zen.
We spawncamped the whole round. Out teammates never actually fought the enemy (one even got dc for inactivity)
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So, I looked at your profile and stats-- is Sombra really the best choice for Bronze? I love Sombra (my profile is public, check it out), but when I was in Bronze and Silver (and even now in Gold) I really wonder if my teammates have the ability to capitalize on what Sombra brings to the table. If you’re maining her, that could be part of the issue-- though your win % is pretty good on her.
This is kind of your problem, screw all of that and just work on your own self improvement such as dodging and your accuracy, watching streams and stuff like that is like watching a show about fitness instead of exercising if that makes sense.
The reason i say this is because all that stuff you’re learning are things you’ll never really run into at your current rank, the meta characters or anything in between don’t matter very much in bronze, sure those videos could teach you positioning and stuff but doing this or that in grandmaster won’t translate as well in bronze.
Not true at all, i was in bronze, mostly because i jumped right into comp at level 25, i practiced and improved and made it to gold which is where i’m at now.
Also since you are asking for help i assume i gave a check to your profile, your accuracy could use improvement, your average for sombra is 26%, your average for ana is 18% and your average for doomfist is 15%, try going for 30%
I think your aim might actually be your number one problem.
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