They announced the changes for OW2 … for November 15th.
Our current goal is to deploy these changes in an upcoming update on November 15th, 2022.
However, a tweet confirms that we will see these changes already from the OWL.
At the beginning of the year they gave priority to the announcement of the OWL 2022 without giving us info on the beta or the status of OW2;
then they created a 100% functional lite version of OW2 for the OWL and dividing the entire community between who had accessed the “real” OW and who was in the sinking wreck;
then they gave us a beta 2.0 that literally experienced NOTHING for the community, they preferred to sell access with the watchpoint and access to JQ;
they debuted OW2 completely buggy and with features not tested at all in the beta, with many rewards via twitch every week;
And now the precedence on the updates to the OWL. we can say it clearly: you don’t want gamers, only spectators who increase the visuals on the name OW2 online. And whales, for a buggy version of ow1.