BC-101 is the issue code

I’m asking for a friend, BC101 is the error code that continues to pop up. We have done every single possible thing to fix this issue. Resetting the router, PlayStation, redownloading the game. We have tried getting ahold of Tec Support multiple times to no avail. Is there anything else we can do??

What do you mean by this? Console troubleshooting is incredibly limited, but staff does answer all tickets, so this statement doesn’t track for me.

If they’re getting a disconnect error, the ports needed for the game might be blocked on the network they’re using.


As Nicole suggested this is very likely a port block issue. This error occurs on consoles when the connection can not be made to our authentication servers. Most commonly either due to security at the router being set to too strict by the ISP or port block we have a fan site that helps out with portforwarding Here. Your Internet Service Provider can also assist with this step if needed.

Thank you.

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