Battlenet not launching due to dll. error?

Totally an issue, and not uncommon. If the repair install is not working, uninstall, remove all traces of the program on your system, and reinstall.


This happened 2 days in a row now. Blizzard broke something. Reinstalling bnet fixes it, but its definitely something they did MVPs with this widespread a problem.


i just reinstalled it aswell and it seems to be working. lets hope it stays that way lol

Happened about 16 hours ago all my friends and me got dropped from the game. Blizzard app had an notification to update, but couldn’t update because the dll error.

I Solved by downloading again the blizzard launcher and executing it, made it update itself and worked flawlessly afterwards. Not even needed to remove the prior, the new app just updated the older one.

After a couple seconds everything was fine and no issues.


Hey guys, following up on this. There does appear to be a widespread, issue, apologies to anyone affected by this.

If you are encountering this error, you must not only uninstall the BattleNet client, but also all leftover files left in the cache. Please follow these steps exactly…

(Please note, you do NOT need to uninstall your current game installations, but you may need to remap them once you reinstall BattleNet. Click here for steps on how to do that.)

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its possible there is a issue with in your OS as i just updated my client and its working fine atleast for now anyways

this happened to me last night, just go to
Blizzard Entertainment
scroll down to “Download” and redownload.
Do not Uninstall/reinstall.
Do not touch Folders.
just redownload, it will fix it.



Update on December 2022:

I had this same error of a missing DLL (no idea why, I didn’t update anything and I played yesterday as usual). The right solution was just to download the desktop app again. It updates automatically and immediately opens. All good