Bastion's lost voice

All omnics in the Overwatch universe can talk. Luna, the waiters, Max, Orisa, Zen… you name it. That is, except Bastion.

Bastion cannot talk. Why is this?

Null sector omnics, all omnic crisis omnics (the OR in reins short)
So maybe bastion could be considered one of these.
Maybe they were made without voices for the omnics crisis

True, but surely Torb would have at least attempted to remodify, seeing as he saved him, similarly to Efi’s Orisa.

Could be, but I don’t know if he would have tried, although it would definitely help him integrate more easily into society

Failing that, Brigitte seems pretty progressive and she’s an engineer/mechanic, too.

She’s usually off with Rein, and I think bastion was discovered only a few months before “present day”
so she probably wouldn’t even have seen him