Bastion's Inconsistent Self-Root

As we all know, Bastion roots himself in place when he’s in Sentry Mode. However, it’s wildly inconsistent with how he interacts with forced movement and stuns.

Not all stuns take Bastion out of Sentry Mode. McCree’s Flashbang, Doomfist’s Rocket Punch, Brigitte’s Shield Bash, and Mei’s freeze effects cannot force Bastion out of Sentry Mode, but Reinhardt’s Charge and Earthshatter, Roadhog’s Hook, Sombra’s Hack, and Ana’s Sleep Dart can. Apparently, there’s a difference between a “stun” and a “knockdown”, and only one of those can force Bastion out of position.

Not all forced-movement can move a Sentry Mode Bastion. Junkrat’s Concussion Mine, Pharah’s Concussion Blast, none of Doomfist’s abilities, Lucio’s Boop, Brigitte’s Whip Shot, D.Va’s Boosters, and Roadhog’s Whole Hog cannot move Bastion. However, Orisa’s Halt and Zarya’s Graviton Surge can.

I think this inconsistency can be addressed in a way that would buff Bastion significantly.

Code his self-root as a passive channel that can be interrupted by any kind of stuns, and remove a knockdown’s effect of removing him from Sentry Mode.

This would make Bastion, well, a bastion, an immovable rock that the team can group up with. His counters would be significantly weaker since they can’t actually remove his damage resist unless Bastion wants to.

Any stun + forced movement would still move him. Reinhardt Charges and Roadhog Hooks would still displace him, and this would add Doomfist’s Rocket Punch to the list. However, they wouldn’t take him out of Sentry Mode, so Ironclad would prevent him from getting one-shot.

Knockdowns, like Earthshatter or Sleep Dart, would still stun Bastion, leaving him unable to shoot or use abilities. However, he would stay in Sentry Mode.

Sombra’s Hack would stop him from transforming or self-healing, but he would stay in Sentry Mode. While Hacked, his self-root is canceled, so any forced movement would move him around, such as Concussion Mines or Boops.

Orisa’s Halt and Zarya’s Grav wouldn’t move him at all unless he was stunned/hacked beforehand.

CC should not be the counter to Bastion. It should be teamplay and focus fire. This simple change would restructure Bastion’s counters in Bastion’s favor, give him more control over his own kit, and make him more consistent overall.


I don’t exactly want this… :expressionless:

I’m VERY Tired as well… Lol


Because a stun is a form of CC. The only CC that pulls Bastion out of recon are ones that disable abilities, like hook, charge, etc. They all have constant forces compared to the boops like Lucio or Pharah.

Interrupts animations, not sentry.

Another good point is that it doesn’t knock him out of tank mode aswell, unlike Hog. But once again, Hog’s ult is different from Bastion’s ult, so the 2 aren’t comparable.

Provides momentum, which is nothing like Hook, which drags, or charge, which pushes.

Along the lines of McCree.

Isn’t the same as Rein nor Hog.

Disables all abilities, and Sentry is an ability.

Forces the sleeping animation, and once again disables abilities.

Because those are falloff CC, where a vector speed is applied for a short time.

In terms of math, Lucio’s boop provides a knockback, but said knockback is not constant. Hook is constant. Halt is constant. Grav is constant.

No, that’s a straight nerf. I already have to worry about McCree corner-peaking me, I don’t wanna worry about him tossing a YOLO flashbang and BAM I’m instantly out of sentry.

His problem isn’t CC, it’s the fact that Ironclad does very little for him, even less for his Tank ult, and his damage wasn’t compensated for his IC nerf.

No, last thing I need to worry about is a DF lining his punch up with me, an immobile target, only for me to fly back and/or off a map simply because you don’t like how he is resistant to some CCs.

Fun fact: If Bastion is against a wall and gets hit by RP, he’ll take the double damage from him hitting the wall, despite him not moving.

He already cannot be one-shot.

Charge does 300 damage, and Bastion is 200 health, 100 armor, so his armor takes 5 damage from the charge and he lives with 5 health.

Hook is the same way, he survives with very little health, but it’s enough to say he’s not one-shotted.

Sentry is an ability, thus he wouldn’t be able to use it.

No, that’s just stupid.

I can see it already, I get hacked, then some flashy Lucio comes and boops me into their team and I’m stuck in sentry. No, that’s certain death.

No, because once again that’s why those abilities move him. They provide constant forces, and don’t lock out every ability. Some they block out, like Tracer blinks, but others can still be used, thus Bastion gets pulled, but not knocked out of sentry.

Yes, but the current setup is much more fair compared to what you’re suggesting.

Your suggestion is a straight up nerf to him.

No, his counters are everyone and it’s because Bastion’s killing is too unreliable since he got his spread + HS nerf, which was suppose to be compensated with Ironclad, which got nerfed and now Bastion dies to everything and doesn’t have enough time to kill/defend himself.


not going to lie, i kind of hate this. not any real options to take out a bastion other than mei hook combo.

hes already hard to deal with, so why make him harder?

Doesn’t seem that way.

Just read the part about Sombra.

Imagine being the soccerball in soccer. You can’t move, can’t heal, you just have to shoot, and pray that God has mercy on your soul.

That is worse than running around in recon after being hacked.

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Ah… It is 2:00 am here. Lol

I don’t even know what i want anymore…

I just want to stop dying to Everything… :confused:


Maybe 1 of the 24 heros who can do reliable damage?

inb4 the lame pirate ship excuse when Bastion is the least picked hero in the game.


Well this is all centered around CC. I think CCs and Bastion interactions are fine.

There is a reason they removed the feature to boop Bastion in sentry mode back when the Lucio rework went live.

This makes it seems like you’re living to Hook, or Charge, but it’s at the cost of being a soccerball at the mercy of other knockbacks (Lucio Boops, Pharah Conc Blast, McCree, Brigitte, etc).

Edit: TO put things into perspective, the OP is focused on making Bastion’s rooting fairer for everyone else but Bastion. Then to make it seem like it’s not a nerf you get to stay in Sentry during CCs that are already bring death upon Bastion (Hook and Charge).

I’d like to not be a robotic pinball.


have you never faced a bastion before?? tracer cant deal with him no more, all tanks but dva suck against him, genji is decent but you can always shoot away or not shoot. now sombra cant get him off turrent form, thats why you use sombra to counter bastion. your just taking all the option out and just want him to be OP

Robotic Pinball.

got it.

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They really should fix it so he can’t be pulled out of Sentry Mode, but he can be knocked back or moved.

I have, all 700 hours of me.

He’s not invincible. It’s all about knowing how to displace him or focus-fire him, not use CC to wear him down.


Dva: Can kill a Bastion by DMing him while her team fires at him. 1v1 she’d die, but this game isn’t based around 1v1s.

Orisa: Halt can force him into bad positions or cause him to re-position and thus lose his IC or protection from his team.

Hog: Hook leaves his HP pretty low, you just gotta follow up with the second shot after hook to finish him off.

Rein: Within a certain distance you can charge him before he kills you/tries to move out of the way. Also leaves him with 5HP which 1 swing of his hammer will finish him off.

Zarya: Small hitbox, and he can easily charge her if he isn’t careful, which could make her kill his team easier.

Winston, Only Tank Bastion can counter reliably, but only because Winston doesn’t have the damage to outdamage his self-heal.

No… she still can?

EMP, or flank and pull a hack off when they aren’t looking. If they shoot to deny the hack, then they counterplayed your counterplay. Not every hack will be successful, just like how not every hook will be successful.

He’s the least picked hero in the game.

And if you think I just want him to be OP just realize these 2 things:

  • I’m not a Bastion main, and as a Pharah main I’d be shooting myself in the foot by making him too powerful.
  • This thread: https :// lists no buffs that would make him better than he used to be.

If you think I want him to be OP, put more than 3 hours onto him then come back and tell me how long your survived each round. How long before you switched because your team harassed you and wanted you to switch off the troll pick.

Until then I don’t want to hear a peep about your fee fees towards him.


No. Just no.

His CC-sentry interactions are fine. It’s always been fine. Maybe a little rough to learn what does/doesn’t counter him, but his problem isn’t CC, and has nothing to do with CC.

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You misunderstood this post entirely, and went on a long tirade about it. A lot of your post seems to be based on the idea that “This is how it already works, your changes are bad”, but what I’m suggesting is to change how it works. The whole “constant force vs. vector force” is unintuitive bull****. It shouldn’t matter what kind of forced movement it is or how it is applied. It’s forced movement, and Bastion is supposed to be immovable. And McCree’s Flashbang doesn’t just “interrupt animations”, it’s a full-on stun.

This change makes Bastion less vulnerable to CC. Nothing would force him out of Sentry Mode. Not Flashbangs, not Earthshatters, not Hooks. Nothing. Zilch. Zippo. Nobody could tell him he couldn’t have his damage resist.

When Reinhardt pins him, he would be left with 65 HP (instead of 5, since he kept Ironclad’s damage resist). That’s enough to survive Reinhardt’s follow-up swing too, giving Bastion enough time to shred Reinhardt to pieces or start self-healing faster than Reinhardt can deal damage.

If you get Hacked out in the open as Bastion, you’re dead anyway. However, this stops cheeky Sombra players from sneaking in a quick Hack and teleporting away to demolish your defensive setup for 6 whole seconds. Bastion would be left vulnerable (unable to self-heal or move), but he wouldn’t be left without his damage. If she works together with her Lucio to move you into an disadvantageous position, that’s fair. Two players getting into range of Bastion and working together totally deserves a shot at a flashy play.

These changes are buffs to Bastion. They make him harder to kill solo, harder to interrupt, harder to be forced into a position he doesn’t want to be in without his most powerful tool available to him.

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I prefer recon over this.


because he’s underpowered and the least played hero ever?


You would rather sit with your team unable to defend the point effectively for 6 seconds than still have your most powerful ability active in your defensive position? The only way this would make you vulnerable is if you seiged up out in the open without your team. Why would you do that? Does Sombra not deserve the chance to outplay you if you mess up?

holding RMB for .6 seconds isn’t outplaying someone. This is supposed to buff Bastion, not nerf him into the ground.

EMP happens whether or not you’re in a good position and she’s also a stealth hero, in the middle of a field or in a good position, you’re stuck.

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And it does buff him. With these changes, getting Hacked still lets you mow down the enemy team. If Sombra EMPs the point, you’re still in Sentry Mode with your Ironclad resist and 525 DPS. If you’re in a bad spot, you should be in Recon Mode moving already.

6 seconds of no healing and no way at all of dodging damage means you’re probably dead no matter what. Dive is the most viable comp right now so being unable to move means you’re dead. Dive makes a good position out of position.

That’s why it’s so good.

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