Bastion's damage is being nerfed by 40% for OW2

So they’re doing 1-2-2? That’s weird. IMO role queue just sucks for everyone. DPS have horrible queue times and the only solution is “don’t play dps” which doesn’t fix anything. If tanks don’t quit playing then that halves the demand making queues faster maybe IDK.

“Good news, you have unlimited ammo!”

So I can fire continually for more than 10 seconds?

“No, because you can only be in sentry mode for 8 seconds”

So this isn’t really a buff at all, it’s no different from the ammo-capacity being nerfed to 240 rounds.

So combined with the damage nerf Bastion has less than HALF the damage potential in sentry mode in exchange for a movement speed that’s still far too slow to dodge attacks but now I can be knocked back when I’d be immune to knockback in sentry mode.


Yeah, which is why I’m playing Bastion as much as I can now. Reworks for OW are just terrible.


I can’t believe they’re just shutting down a game I paid for that I can still get into a game of QPC with a 30 second queue time because they want to force a migration to OW2. The game isn’t dead, it’s barely 5 years old, Activision-Blizzard aren’t going to shut down Infinite Warfare that came out at the same time.

Why even have Overwatch 2 if there’s no way to chose between Overwatch 1 and 2?

Maybe they will keep some sort of classic mode

Huh, I just made a thread about that:

other thing i didnt mention is…stop paying so much attention to the numbers themselves…its the MOST likely thing that will change…

I don’t know how you can know the odds on that and how you can even know they’ll change enough or even in the right direction.

If they change 3 years later, is that soon enough?

His hitbox for sentry also seems to be big, so pair a big hitbox with the slow movement and he will still need a tank to protect him.

Even if they kept all the current changes but just buffed his health so he’s a “tank” that would work. If they enforce 1-2-2 that goes out the window though.

talking about just numbers in general…not specifically that theyre “nerfing” him…

why? cause nobody’s really tested it…like id be shocked for example if the next time we see sombra she still has her damage to hacked targets where it was…

furthermore its a full rework…just look back at ANY rework we’ve had…theres usually a lot of fumbling around with the numbers before it gets anywhere near balanced…

and lastly everything is relative…we react to what we see now with “OMG theyre BUFF/NERFing”…but the game dynamics are going to change…theres less tanks…less damage overall…less healing needed…40% might be just fine in that environment…we dont know yet

For Bastion that ends with nerfs.


I really don’t like the rework they showed for OW2.

I mean, you think unlimited ammo for sentry would be nice but it’s only for 8 seconds. In my opinion that seems like a nerf to me.

Also this. No knockback in sentry is the saving grace of current Bastion. Completely ruins the character now.


Are you serious? What have you been doing since this was revealed 8 months ago?

Just wow.

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Not playing Overwatch because I hate 2-2-2. Also my PC wasn’t very good but now it is.

Not everyone is keeping up with the game anymore. It’s older and has been taking a few bad turns

“but it’s okay because now there’s half as many tanks”

I wouldn’t be because they’ve done it before.

They said they absolutely cannot have cowboy roll in mid air then do it anyway.

Except anything less than a full revert will just be a direct downgrade.

Recon mode primary fire is just objectively worse, it’s exactly the same as just deliberately slowing your fire rate by tapping fire.

WE said cowboy shouldnt roll…and that wasnt a balance change anyway…its a “hey some people liked the stuff on the exc…throw some of them out there” change (a stupid one at that)…notice how they didnt say anything about the patch? they know they cant justify it…

except when its not…i still prefer new sym mercy torb…future will tell with new bastion…which btw is worth mentioning is considered to be quintessentially useless…im rather interested to try out some of the changes to be honest

reducing damage across the board is exactly what we need.

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I’m telling you now, if you just tap fire as slowly as that fire rate is shown then you’ll have no spread as it resets between each shot. And you’re just taking a capacity nerf on top of that. It’s objectively worse, it offers nothing new.

Just play Bastion and slowly tap primary fire.

It’s not worth it as so often the maximum spread is smaller than the target. It’s better to have the fire rate and capacity.

So let’s have Rein do 51 damage per hammer swing and see how you like it.