Bastion’s high damage is the reason he is unplayable

Being overpowered once does not justify being weak forever.

And his old damage was balanced. If we were to give that back to him IC would have to be removed or attached to healing.

Just remove Ironclad all together… Having Ironclad at 10% doesn’t really protect him against anything, just remove it and give Sentry it’s power back. Passive damage resist is near impossible to balance around, that’s why he’s in such a bad state.

Just revert his spread. There’s no sense in having such a large spread on a stationary hero. Bastion can’t close the distance between himself and the enemies, so he needs a fairly tight spread to be able to hit anything.

He doesn’t need to be able to move, he needs to be able to shoot. His entire kit is supposed to be trade mobility for damage. Glass cannon and all that.

That’s part of what makes his character… Bastion doesn’t make that many callouts I don’t think, and if he does, odds are someone else has already said it. I wouldn’t be surprised if that was something that Bastion checks for in the code.


His damage potential is pretty weak compared to other DPS heroes, actually. The spread on his sentry form and the damage fall off make him all but useless for what he was supposed to do, which is area denial.
I used to cry about Bastion, when I was a bronzelet scrub. But here’s the kicker; you cry about how much damage he does whilst completely ignoring that Hanzo, Widow and to a lesser extent Reaper are capable of one and two shotting over half the hero roster, all while having much better mobility.

Bastion is garbage.


That’s cool and all, but you’re not ever going to get old Bastion back. He was actually too strong then.

You might as well accept that and work with people to provide solutions to Blizzard to pull him up out of F-Tier.

stop throwing reworks all willy nilly please,

symmetra already got ruined for me, and torbs ruin is incoming

We don’t want old Bastion back, we want a combination of old and new. Both were weak, but maybe together they could be strong.

Let’s not pretend like that Symmetra rework wasn’t much needed. I guess you needed that lock-on beam? Symm is in a much better state now.

Tank on E is a popular rework, but locking his Sentry mode behind an ultimate would ruin him. He’d just be a worse version of Pharah that can’t fly, combined with a worse version of Soldier that can’t heal his team or run.

she actually has lower pickrate than before

and no its not the lock on beam thing, easy to jump into conclusion are we?

symmetra is now defensless when before she had photon barrier, She lost her barrier piercing niche and a playstyle i enjoyed a bunch about the base building aspect of her.

also, the fact that teleport as ult doesnt exist anymore, that means the one and only “2nd try” ability the defending team has is gone, meaning,

also shield gen beeing gone means that you can no longer save teammates from hanzo HS, tracers from brigs stun combo, or from doomfists rocket punch

she could have been buffed inestead of literally removing everything and chaging it up, sym mains proposed plenty of change ideas, but all went ignored

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If his damage is too strong with headshots, reverted spread, and 200 bullets, reduce it to 12, give him 25% bonus damage to barriers. That way he does less to enemies, but the same to barriers.

Plus, all of these “revert spread” and “revert headshots” are nerfing Ironclad and his ammo too… Ironclad is scrapped in basically all of these, and his ammo is returned to 200 as well.

She has lower pick rates because you have to actually know how to play her to be successful with her now, rather than picking her, putting up six turrets at a choke point and facerolling your way to victory with shield generators.

Heroes with turret mechanics like Bastion, Symmetra and Torb need’s a rework or be deleted from the game.

Turrets are a issue, too stupid and weak in high tiers and too op in low tiers.

you sound like you didnt play symmetra at all :slight_smile:

she might have no need to aim but there was a lot of depht to her character you seem not to understand

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I played Symm enough to know she wasn’t my kind of character. I also played against her enough to know that it took no skill to jump around after locking on in the middle of a team fight and absolutely decimating the enemy team.

You just sound salty she isn’t overpowered now. Her beam is stronger, her turrets are stronger (albeit in lesser quantity) and her teleporter is INVALUABLE in terms of strategic offerings.
Just say
“I’m mad because I can’t autoaim any more QQ” and we can both move on from this happy.

you just contradicted yourself

i explained why i didnt like this rework, if you cant read then its not my fault

you contradict yourself again, im salty that she isnt overpowered anymore, but according to you everything about her is stronger?

His damage is lower than Soldier at anything beyond about 25 meters, and since he can’t move, it’s pretty easy to stay 25 meters away when killing him. Here’s a thread going into more detail about his damage.

The only reason Bastion was meta was because of 35% Ironclad. That made him almost unkillable when paired with an Ana, who was meta at the time. Notice how there was no Bastion meta before his rework, and he had lower spread and headshots back then… Most all proposed reworks to Bastion get rid of his Ironclad all together in order to give his damage back. He’d be much easier to kill, but could provide consistent damage, which can be avoided in quite a few different ways.


So much salt. Symm tears are delicious.

Guess you have nothing else to say

come talk to me when your willing to be more mature

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Just want to remind the two of you that the topic of this thread is Bastion, not Symmetra.

You’re the one who keeps repeating themselves ad nauseum about how “bad” Symmetra is now. Symmetra isn’t bad, you’re bad. You can’t aim, that’s why you’re mad that your autoaim hero got her autoaim taken away.

There’s no much else to be said. Git gud?