Bastion’s high damage is the reason he is unplayable

She has lower pick rates because you have to actually know how to play her to be successful with her now, rather than picking her, putting up six turrets at a choke point and facerolling your way to victory with shield generators.

Heroes with turret mechanics like Bastion, Symmetra and Torb need’s a rework or be deleted from the game.

Turrets are a issue, too stupid and weak in high tiers and too op in low tiers.

you sound like you didnt play symmetra at all :slight_smile:

she might have no need to aim but there was a lot of depht to her character you seem not to understand

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I played Symm enough to know she wasn’t my kind of character. I also played against her enough to know that it took no skill to jump around after locking on in the middle of a team fight and absolutely decimating the enemy team.

You just sound salty she isn’t overpowered now. Her beam is stronger, her turrets are stronger (albeit in lesser quantity) and her teleporter is INVALUABLE in terms of strategic offerings.
Just say
“I’m mad because I can’t autoaim any more QQ” and we can both move on from this happy.

you just contradicted yourself

i explained why i didnt like this rework, if you cant read then its not my fault

you contradict yourself again, im salty that she isnt overpowered anymore, but according to you everything about her is stronger?

His damage is lower than Soldier at anything beyond about 25 meters, and since he can’t move, it’s pretty easy to stay 25 meters away when killing him. Here’s a thread going into more detail about his damage.

The only reason Bastion was meta was because of 35% Ironclad. That made him almost unkillable when paired with an Ana, who was meta at the time. Notice how there was no Bastion meta before his rework, and he had lower spread and headshots back then… Most all proposed reworks to Bastion get rid of his Ironclad all together in order to give his damage back. He’d be much easier to kill, but could provide consistent damage, which can be avoided in quite a few different ways.


So much salt. Symm tears are delicious.

Guess you have nothing else to say

come talk to me when your willing to be more mature

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Just want to remind the two of you that the topic of this thread is Bastion, not Symmetra.

You’re the one who keeps repeating themselves ad nauseum about how “bad” Symmetra is now. Symmetra isn’t bad, you’re bad. You can’t aim, that’s why you’re mad that your autoaim hero got her autoaim taken away.

There’s no much else to be said. Git gud?

Yes, i know, i dont plan to talk to him about it anymore, he jumps into insults inestead of arguing like a mature person.

Anyways as i was saying,

I do not think bastion needs a rework, i feel like a few changes can make him back into the meta, especially now that triple dive is coming

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How was he too strong back then? He’s been f-tier his whole life. The only time he was ever really used was during 35% Ironclad, and that only lasted a week (a month on console). He’s used sometimes on Junkertown, but the moment he’s pulled off the cart, he’s swapped in for someone else.

I don’t care if he remains f-tier forever, I just want him to be playable…

There’s nothing to argue about. Symmetra is much better now that she can’t auto aim. Her ultimate is actually pretty solid provided it’s placed properly, if the Symmetra is good it’s up frequently, turrets are much easier to manage and provide more bang for the buck. Her teleporter being available every what? 12 seconds? Absolutely invaluable in terms of the tactical options it opens up (placing a Bastion where he couldn’t normally go, getting your team mates to safety away from an enemy ultimate, the list really goes on).

The only thing about Symmetra that IS NOT objectively better than her previous iteration is the fact that you have to actually KINDA SORTA aim now. QQ more.

you just said im crying because she isnt overpowered anymore…

but now you said shes much better?

Again, I would argue with you if you didnt jump into “OH U CRY CUZ U HAVE TO AIM WA WA”

if your willing to argue maturely inestead of jumping into childish behaviors, then talk to me

this thread is about bastion, this is the end of this conversation

Yeah, I would love a combination of Bastion 1.0 and current Bastion. But if a rework prove necessary then so be it. I just hope they look at the many rework we have proposed and go off of one of those.

Because you are crying. Bastion is literal F-tier garbage and everybody except absolute noobs can see it. You came into a Bastion thread whining about the Symmetra changes. Literal whining.

I actually made a proposition to give him an E shield ability, that he can pop up but cant shoot through,

he would be able to use this as a block to stop certain CC abilities like Hook or things like pulse bomb, provided your skilled enough to react to, kinda like how old sym photon barrier worked

but it wouldnt make pirate ship stronger as he cannot shoot through a barrier, and popping up a small barrier you cant shoot through as you have one that is much bigger and you can shoot through is usless

I’d also like to throw out there, amongst the Symmetra talk, that Bastion was very playable before his rework, and he did significantly higher damage back then. He was still f-tier, but he was playable. He needed the Recon changes and the self-repair changes, the transform time changes were nice too, but the Sentry changes were completely unwarranted, and that’s where he became broken…

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I could have even done without the Transformation time changes… It did help make his Sentry feel like a commitment, but… I can see where it would cause problems nowadays as well…

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A shield in sentry rework has been proposed, but it is a bit different.

The shield would only be active in Sentry, and would have about 200 health. It would function just like any other barrier, but would only recharge while in recon or tank mode.

If they did something like this it would really double down on his niche, unlike the Symm and Torb reworks which seemed to be aimed at flexibility.