I was thinking about it when I suddenly realized that Bastion Recon Mode has
a) bigger clip size
b) HALF as much max spread
c) shorter reload time
But doesn’t Soldier do slightly more damage? 180 dps vs 160 dps?
Yeah…until you remember that people don’t actually just hold down the trigger with Soldier 76. They BURST-FIRE with him, which means that he is losing DPS by not continuously firing.
Bastion Recon meanwhile, doesn’t need to burst-fire because his max spread isn’t LITERALLY BIGGER THAN SENTRY FORM’S SPREAD. (This is actually true. Bastion sentry form goes from 3-2. Soldier goes from 0-2.4)
Can this guy get some buffs? Like actually?
(Honorable mention to the fact that Tank Form > Tactical Visor.)
slower walking speed, worse center speed, worse damage, no Helix burst, no healing while shooting, sorry but no Recon Bastion is not better than Soldier…
I think they should absolutely buff soldiers mobility, though. Since his Sprint was considered good several heroes with flat out better mobility have been introduced. Baptiste, Ashe, Wrecking Ball, Doomfist, etc.
Bastion gets a large ammo supply in Recon mode in part because he doesn’t have an alternative fire or Helix Rocket. Cannot fire at the same time and heal at the same time and remains a large easily hittable target.
You’ve failed to mention that Soldier’s bullet spread doesn’t start until the 7th (IIRC) bullet, while Bastion’s bullet spread starts immediately. Soldier’s gun also has a much longer damage falloff range, making Soldier’s primary weapon more consistently lethal than Bastion’s recon gun.
Add to that the fact that Soldier is also working with a Helix Rocket, a smaller hitbox and the ability to heal himself while firing, and it would make sense to give Bastion a significantly more powerful weapon.
Soldier is lagging behind the insane mobility and lethality of other DPS heroes, but comparing him to Bastion isn’t a great argument for buffing him. If anything, it just draws attention to the fact that both Soldier and Bastion have inferior weapons compared to the likes of Hanzo.