Bastion Megathread On His Current Situation *Bug Fixed!*


You’re telling me that the first shot not shooting wasn’t a FEATURE!? It’s been in the game FOREVER! (Isn’t that SAD that it can be interpreted like that!?)


Yeah it is deffinetely not a feelsgoodman.

Hopefully that is the first step Blizzard is making in fixing Bastion :slight_smile:

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I just wish it was that easy to get the voices of Overwatch community heard though

I think they hear as Jeff himself said (they read the forums) but it’s up to them whether or not they’ll listen.

They probably noticed us already but as terran said, they already have stuff to balance on their minds.

Bastion will have to wait i guess :thinking:


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the best thing they can do is revert the sentry changes but make bastion more of the position holding bot than an unfortified position holding bot like just nerf his movement speed ,but at the cost of taking more damage from explosives

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Another thing we could add to bastions recon mode, You guys know the emote “Alert! Alert!” where bastion is in this defensive stance, well that would be the animation for it.

Now imagine he can do that on the move:

  • reducing the dmg taken (he is armoring up in that emote so it makes sense i guess) or simply increasing his damage, this would probably had to decrease his walking speed other wise we could end up with another roadhog (healing and running away)
  • It would be an “E” ability that you can turn on for few seconds
  • short well timed ability should give bastion more skill to use against enemies in tense non tank fights.

But that buff would be for all ya that want some change to the recon mode, as we have discussed the sentry changes already.

Feel free to modify this idea to balance it more :white_check_mark:

That’s what I think too. He’s supposed to hold a position to prevent anyone from pushing easily, not only tanks.

Thought of the Day. “Why build turrets when you can turn them into spare parts same with the Dwarf that built them.”

Bumping for the Omnic AI Ganymede.


hi i got an idea for bastion while bastion is in sentry mode give him a short and wide barrier with a slight curve that stays in-front of where bastions looking and stays lvl (so goes left and right does not go up or down) with the floor with 150 sp that will add 150 over time and heal his shield if bastion is dmg buffed by a mercy and/or supercharger bastion can no longer have his dmg buffed by mercy ana and orisa instead he has a heat system the hotter his gun gets the faster it fires and the more dmg it does up to 5x dmg and 2.5x fire rate depend on how much heat he has and cutting his barrier to 1/6 sp when hes dmg buffed and 1/3 sp dependent on heat lvl as well at the risk of over heating his mini gun and causing a coolant reload 10 sec and losing his shield for 15 secs his normal reload stays the same he effectively becomes a pill box great at holding ground but cant advance with out support but can retreat with minimal support while in recon hes stay pretty much the same but he can use his self heal to heal heroes or torb sentry at half his norm rate but he can only heal only armor and shield so torb armor packs not bragette armor over heal as well he cant heal hp his armor healing goes to the max base armor vale of that hero cant heal barriers( note must have at least 1 armor point from torb to heal the full 75 armor value)
iron clad in sentry is also reduced to five percent iron clad shows its power in tank mode iron clad is at 25% second ult siege mode effectually siege tank from star craft but bastion can only see whats in line of sight of him and what his team see not line of sight of teammates he has five shots 2 sec delay between shots each eats 20% ult charge ult must be fully charged to use but can be canceled and retain the charge not used and held as long as needed no iron clad during siege mode no movement either when used each shot has 600 dmg on direct hit and 250 to 50 dmg splash blast radius is somewhere between tank and rip-tire main counters barriers facing up or under a roof no brainer each shot has a 2 sec travel time and has a limited range bastions self healing decreased in proportion to this re work over all configs thank for reading this please give feed back please i want to see if this will work or some of it and lore could be torb repaired and modified his barrier projectors ( i want a siege tank skin for bastion so bad XD
v calculated bastion max dps but this dps will only last for halve second bastions max dps with my re work will be around 6562dps halve sec later of full-auto then over heat so in other words heat management is necessary high risk high reward or tactical play to push or slow the enemy team
heat slowly decays but builds per bullet fired normal heat continues decay over norm reload coolant reload completely cools mini gun when not over heated coolant reload can be triggered by pressing the ability key 3 sec cool down with 5 sec channel and no loss of shield
lets hope genji doesn’t learn of this XD bad new for bastion and any one near him
o and if any of the devs read this please at least experament with my design
for the rework you dont have to is just my birth day is on the 24 of may and its my 21 and id apreciate it a lot if you just consider my re work as posible it dosent have to make it past the internal server i just want a chance for my rework to see the light of day

What if tank mode and seige mode were swaped? Whatever they do to buff siege mode. People will only complain about. Hence with what happend with the fastest nerf. In OW history, that I know of. The follow are my rough ideas.

Siege mode as an ultimate: Bastion can’t reload and amount he heals deminishes. The more he has used repair. He also has a certain amount of bullets. However the ultimate lasts until used. Heads shots and damage reduction. Enough damge reduction that he can’t be solo killed fast.

Tank mode as a normal ability: Bastion should be able to do a better of job of area denial. Then what scatter arrow was supposed to do. He can rocket jump around assisting with kills. Getting into decent places to shoot rockets from. Tank mode shouldn’t replace recon mode. The intention is to use both given the situation. Junkrat would do more damage but Bastion has more aoe.

I would never take that. Sentry is basically what defines him or he’d be soldier 76.

Are you sure? 76 can’t Tank jump. He can’t jump over shields. Swaping the abilities gives him way more freedom and mobility. Being able to use tank mode to use Siege mode in higher places. Then using thoses higher places to shoot rockets from. The aoe explosions would make full team pushess harder. Then just having to break shields. For example if you did 50dmg to 3-4 people a shot. You could also jump out into the push disrupting the whole thing. Bastion could be anywhere like this.

If you read the OP I suggested something that fills both are wants/needs. He keeps sentry, but his E key is assigned to tankmode as an ability, obviously with nerfs to fit an ability.

His ult boosts any mode he’s currently in.

Right but the real issue. Is the people that are going to complain about him. Making Siege mode an ult. Justifies giving back or if not more power. Then it had before. You shouldn’t make suggestions that threaten the current balance of the game.

Making him go SSJ. So he’s better then an offense hero like soldier. While also giving him one-shot squishes. On top of tank destorying. To me makes him an all around hero. When he’s just supposed to be a defense hero. Isn’t the scope too big?

I’m just drowning them out now. They tend to ruin anything good that happens to Bastion. I’m just going to tell them to deal with it

There are times when it actually would be OP but they over react to everything so I don’t know what to gage it against now.

Because that’s kind of his thing. He’s kind of supposed to have a mode for everything because that’s just his character. reconmode for pushing with normal mobility with an accurate hitscan, sentry for murdering all the things while immobile, minitank (if it’s added) would be more mobility (rocket jumps) with burst damage but it’s a projectile. It would also help get to ambush spots.

Isn’t that the point of bringing an F tier hero out of the dumpster fire? It will upset everything because suddenly you’ve thrown a not sucky hero into the mix. The D.vas and Genjis who went unpunished will start dying in positions they normally wouldn’t.

This is why people probably complain, because they can’t do something as safely as they could before.

Thought of the Day: “The first Omnic war was not really a war for the Omnics, It was practice.”

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tank as skill good.
Ultimate for awakening? goood!