The new Bastion bug fix, which fixed the issue of reverting to Recon when stunned while transforming, has brought a new issue with it. On the current patch, if you are hit by an ability that pushes you around while transforming into Sentry, you are moved as if you were still in Recon.
Previously, it was common practice for a Bastion player to f.x see a Wrecking Ball player moving towards them, about to boop them off the map, and then - to counteract it - immediately begin transforming into Sentry in order to not get booped. But now, whether you react to it in time or not, you can be moved around while transforming.
This bug makes it a lot harder for Bastion to play around Hammond, D.va, Roadhog, Rein’s Hammer, Ashe’s Coach Gun, and a lot of other movement-impairing abilities. Please fix ^^