šŸ’” Bastion ISNā€™T being forgotten, heā€™s being ignored

OMFG, i see people wanting sentry gone or less sentryā€¦

FFS people !

bastion is a walking sentry, not the other way !!!


I hate when people say letā€™s make recon better by nerfing sentry. Guess what? You only made it better relative to sentry. And sentry would suck then so what would recon do?


Basicly the whole comments section on BTCā€™s video.

I think bastionā€™s kit is okay. But I will see BTCā€™s next video

Sincerely, The Brigitte Spaghetti Movement

Bastion is garbage, pls donā€™t pick him.

He wants self repair removed and thinks he is too strong in lower ranks, so Iā€™m hesitant but excited.

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Hence the reason for this thread.


Iā€™m afraid heā€™ll just say ā€œDELETE SENTRYā€ or worse to just nerf it again.


At this point they should just delete him from the game and put in a new hero since they donā€™t care about him. They buff Torbjorn before bastion, when bastion is in worst place. I donā€™t know what Blizzard is doing, but they obviously donā€™t care about Bastion anymore. Just delete him and replace him with more useful hero, or buff him for once.

Seems a tad dramatic, donā€™t you think?

Because bastion is so hard to balance, torb was easier so they reworked him first. Bastion will get his time. Just be patient.

Sincerely, The Brigitte Spaghetti Movement

Iā€™ve been patient (ish) for over a year and a half.

removing self repair would be a large mistake as i see it. Remove it and you have to be be pocketed more and that restricts game play options.

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Torb mains have waited 2 and a half

I meant 1.5 without even being spoken of. Torb was confirmed for a change a long time ago before Hanzo got his rework

Question, is Reaper considered a troll pick? Considering his current state, he ainā€™t doing the best but is he troll pick status?

Nope he is not. He is one of the characters that are balanced. Its hard to swallow but his problem is that his shadowstep is trash. Make it 3x or 2x as fast and he is fine. All in all its the only thing that he needs.

His damage is currently suffering due to armor. And his ult does less damage than his primary, let that sink in.

I think Blizzard needs to do a rework where they remove Shadow Step to replace with another ability, such as smoke bombs, grenade launchers etc. Or they change Shadow step to the point itā€™s actually useful.

True. Also an idea: let his shotguns ignore armor. /end

Like I said. Reaper is a ok charcater. Balanced but not good. He just needs a tweak. Thats it. He is to 100% not a troll character.