šŸ’” Bastion ISNā€™T being forgotten, heā€™s being ignored

He can kill goat, just TP him with Symmetra on highground and make a triple damage boost on him and wait.

No I joke but try with Bastion to destroy a 2500HP of shield and kill 12600HP of health and 350 of armor with all the healing. Its totally impossible.

This removes the damage resistance, so itā€™s armor only. And since healers canā€™t heal the extra armor, he only has it whenever he applies it himself. I forgot to put it in that post, but he can only apply the extra armor when at full health as well.

Not sure where youā€™re getting 450 HP + 250 Armot for Tank mode from, his health remains unchangedā€¦ unless you meant 450 total health bar, which is what he was at to begin with before Ironclad became a thing. Does he do 40 self damage per shot? I donā€™t think so, but I havenā€™t played in a few months, so I could be wrong on that. And itā€™s a pretty difficult to use ultimate, I think it can probably stand to be a little powerfulā€¦

I would prefer if they would test these changes first, and if thatā€™s a bit too powerful, perhaps reduce his headshot multiplier to 1.5x. Or maybe reduce his damage to 12, keep a 2x multiplier, and give him 1.25x damage to barriers, but I like the 1.5x headshots betterā€¦

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Bastion donā€™t need so much thing to work, just buff the 20% dmg resistance of IronClad to 25%. Delete the self damage on rocket jump.

Add Headshot in sentry or reduce the spread to 2Ā° or up the damage to 20hp per bullet or up the fire rate by 33%.

With that reduce the ammo capacity to 200 or keep it at 300 but with more fire rate.

A new abillity on the E called auto-lock missile for quick burst and long range attack with a cooldown of 15/12 seconds.

And this is it, a nice Bastion with a better accuracy and viability without destroying the character or the game it self. With the same impact on Junkertown !

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Passive damage resist is something weā€™re trying to get rid of. Itā€™s extremely hard to balance around. A lot of people (not saying you are, just in general) think that his immobility is whatā€™s hard to balance around, but itā€™s not. Itā€™s the fact that heā€™s encouraged to stay in sentry mode for too long. Ironclad encourages players to stay in sentry and keep a healer on you instead of moving around more on your own. Not completely alone, but you should be able to set up a flank moderately well, then regroup. No one wants a Flankhog 1.0 Bastionā€¦ Damage resistance makes him too easy to pocket, as the healers have to heal less than the enemy deals, whereas armor doesnā€™t really have this problemā€¦

Iā€™d also be fine with setting the over heal to 50 instead (and Tank adds 100 normal armor + 50 Ironclad armor), maybe that would be betterā€¦ no way to really test it though, I really wish they had mod tools :confused:

I also dont really like the idea of micro-missles on Bastion, it seems out of placeā€¦


The Iron clad is a part of Bastion kit, an advantage for your team but its a malus too. The enemy team get -20% of ult charge on you like your healer. The advantage of IronClad is only for Bastion it self and I think its a nice addition to the game.

Also, I was speaking of auto-lock missile like in the trailer story animation of Dv.A. A strange mixture of Soldier 76 ultimate, Highnoon, and big missile. Something different who fit the character design, a cute war robot who make bip boup song.

I am a bit disappointed with your approach of armor mix to do some sort of balancing. Overwatch need to be simple.

Ironclad wasnā€™t part of his kit before the failed rework, he didnā€™t need it, but they gave it to him anywayā€¦

And an invisible damage resistance is more simple than armor? Something thatā€™s been in the game since launch? I feel that armor is much more simple, and having a hero that can apply armor to themselves isnā€™t complicated either, Torb can do it (currently).

I think keeping Bastion as simple as possible is the best thing, I donā€™t think he really needs anything new in his kit, and that was the same before his first rework. He didnā€™t need Ironclad, he just needed the Recon and Repair changes. If they want to keep Ironclad in, I would rather it be something that the player has to manage rather than something that is always activeā€¦

Oh right, forgot to put inā€¦ if youā€™d like more information on it, this post goes into detail about every part of it, why I changed what I did, and some potential tweaks if it does turn out too powerful.

Hmmā€¦ after doing some more calculations, maybe 50 extra armor would be better than 75. 75 gives him a pretty big boost to effective health, more that I thought, but 50 puts him it about the same-ish effective health as current Ironclad when being shot by another Bastion.


damn i need to calm downā€¦

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Hey, whatā€™s up AlphaVI?

Chibiā€™s here to help with whatever. :smiley_cat:
Even if itā€™s not Bastion relatedā€¦

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nah just overboard with the searing on the forums in this tread.
so im be a gentle little bot now ^^

and sorry for the swearing, i wont do it againā€¦

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Hey, we all do every now and thenā€¦ Itā€™s been shown to actually Relieve stressā€¦ So i wouldnā€™t blame you for it.

Iā€™m glad to hear thatā€™s all it isā€¦ And especially because Chibiā€™s in the mood to talk Balance againā€¦ not argueā€¦ Like usuallyā€¦ <.<

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they need to do something about spread and headshot.
all the buffing going arround and hero that been added to the game since release, is really killing bastion


Completely agreedā€¦

We can talk about potential new abilities all day long, but in the end of itā€¦ Bastion just needs lower spread and headshots again to be Viable in any sense.


As a sym main I stand tall with bastion mains

Ik your pain

We will get through it together




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togetehr brotha


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Makes a post, instantly gets 4 likesā€¦

Also, another Doctor!

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Always good to see another doctor


The power of bending reality, it is!

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How many doctors does it take to revive a single heroā€¦

I would say only one, and make a Mercy joke, butā€¦ ;-;


Seven hours without ChibiFox making a post. Have the laws of reality broken down?

Propaganda from the early days of Overwatch.