šŸ’” Bastion ISNā€™T being forgotten, heā€™s being ignored

she also got a secret buff/untoucehd patch

her detetection range was 4meter in PTR, now its 2meter, as klike in live

btw she live

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Rez has FAR more impact though so itā€™s not really a good comparison

Same principles behind their general ability to be used.

Stealth used to be about Timing, Positioning, Gamesenseā€¦ Ultimate Managementā€¦ Tacticsā€¦

Same as Rez used to be.

By that logic Reconfigure and Sprint should be earned

rez has impact as making revive the enemy player
but sombra
play in psychology warfare, as not knowing where/whene/how will she come, since she now has infinite stealth

and i tought they said the ywill never give a invisible hero ? or was i crazy

Iā€™m sorry to be a douchebag if you think I am wrong, but Sombra is not F tier. She is a hero that requires tons of communication and coordination to work, making her look bad in solo Q, but she is one of the most powerful characters of the game because of her disrupting potential. The only thing that makes her uncomfortable to play are her bugs, sheā€™s so buggy. But thatā€™s only my opinion.


Reconfigure was about earning rewards for those things being used in the Opposite way, Staying put at the right times.

And sprintā€™s reward is based on itā€™s useā€¦ Soā€¦

Hey, just to get us back on topic, what would a better name for configuration appache be? Itā€™s current name implies rotor blades, but when I came up with the idea I was thinking rocket propelled or something.


Configuration: U WOT M8

At leastā€¦ Thatā€™s what i would also call the ā€œOverclockedā€ Ultimate.


Yes, but she can still only hack or shoot one person at a time, so while she may be good against isolated targets (which sheā€™s designed to counter anyways) she has to rely on her TP to escape now and with the changes TP itself is easy to counter

The only way you can compare Sombraā€™s hack/ult to Mercyā€™s current/old rez is if it killed how Mercy rezzed, meaning either an instakill on everyone nearby or one shotting a tank after 2 seconds.

Unless youā€™re forcing another 10 IQ analogy, of course.

Looks like we have a classic meme now.



Soā€¦ Trying to play FFA right now.

Wanna know the Console meta at this very moment?
Roady, Tracer, Reaper, Mccree, Genji, Hanzo, Soldier, Doomfist.

If you play Any Other hero, you stand Zero Chance.

This literally feels wrong.

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YoU JuSt WaNt YoUr HeRo Op AgAin


Yeaā€¦ In FFA I realized that even Pharah does Nothing Against this ā€œmetaā€

You need to stop with this FFA nonsense.

CTF Ayutthaya is better :upside_down_face:


I just want boxesā€¦ I have gotten Two Wins, in two hours.

Think about that.

My aim isnā€™t even a problemā€¦ I just canā€™t Spam as good as everyone else.

FFA when theres a lucioball??

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Nearly unplayable on Console/This internet.

Seems like FFA IS Working, but if you punch a lucio ball, it does Nothing.

Try to punch hammond in ballā€¦see if that does anything to him :slight_smile: