💔 Bastion ISN’T being forgotten, he’s being ignored

The silent ones.

They say their favorite hero in this game is a killing machine.

Ps. Im talking about the ones that should be online here posting stuff. :confused:

Sleep is a thing that people need to not die. But I am no longer asleep. So prepare for my wrath.


Finally. Woke.

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One thing I thought about while arguing with someone else on another thread is about Bastion’s sentry.

People complain about buffs making Bastion want to use sentry all the time, and it occurred to me, why is that bad?

That’s the reason you pick Bastion anyways, to use sentry, so why is it a big calamity if that’s the main thing you use? You pick him for sentry, then people complain when you use it.

The question is, “why is using sentry all the time bad?”. Now I’m not talking about being an idiot and never using recon, I’m talking about if you have the ability to use it within reason, why is it “bad design” to stay in sentry?


It’s not.
Like… it really Shouldn’t be.

They all just think “Not running around = not using skill”
And it makes Zero Sense to me.


Man people ONLY use Widow to for her rifle, we need to buff her sub machine gun so she can be a soldier 2.0 and her Venom mine so it does like 180+ damage over 5 seconds man they can’t just keep using the rifle only.

Same with Reinhardt, he needs to be a viable DPS tank so he doesn’t need to keep his shield up all the time, it’s bad design, he can’t just ONLY use his shield…

big and obvious /s


wat ?

then i complain why is soldier always using his machine gun ?
why is mcree always using is revolver ?
why is DVA always using her mech ?
why is mercy always using her healing staff ?

BASTION is mainly a sentry…


Literally saw someone complain about this recently.





I had real life stuff to deal with, now I’m free to discuss Bastion related things :grinning:

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How about a minigun for Sentry ?


Bastion mainly being a sentry throughout the whole game is bad because in a game where mobility is key to survival, Bastion has none and the only thing that protected him from enemies running towards him head on or being picked off was neutered heavily.

Without a tight spread, his overall DPS in all ranges is wasted and encourages spraying and praying, even more so when his ammo has been upped to 300 and headshots have been removed. In actual play his wasted damage potential is even more apparent when his bullets go around his targets no matter how well you aim, so spraying and praying is really the only option Bastion has right now. A sentry revert and removing Ironclad (which encourages tanking in sentry mode…) would compliment Bastion’s smaller improvements, as well as actual playtime with the changes without listening to the backlash.

People who complain about Sentry form not being a liability anymore are those who have never played Bastion pre-nerf and post-nerf. He’s incredibly difficult to play.


This isn’t a matter of how the game is it’s a matter of people complaining that he’s in sentry longer in general.

and indeed, as i stated before, bastion gameplay is flipping completly the laws of overwatch, his gameplay if not about mobility

I’m sure he’ll be in sentry for longer by increasing his magazine size, giving him active damage resistance, and making his bullets not count jack, that’s more time spent shooting at the enemy that just won’t drop because of how ineffective the gun is.

You’re not understanding what I’m saying. People are complaining about him staying in sentry forever, completely separate from the actual balance. Just the fact that it’s sentry is what’s making people freak out.


I started to respond to this last night. But realized that being tired and frustrated with it was making me overly aggressive about it. I’m am going over it thoroughly because I really don’t want to have to revisit it again.

“Katarina writes books”
(I’d really rather not be, at least of this sort.)

See that one line I bolded? It’s the only part of the post that’s relevant to what I originally said in direct response to you.

My only comment to you was a request to not twist what I had said. The way that bolded line reads is that I corrected what I said. If so, I did not. What I said has been consistent.

You had made it sound like I said he killed anything instantly, the very moment his aim touched it, regardless of range. It was an oversimplification and exaggeration of what I said.

It was you misrepresenting it and making an effort to knock me for it without ‘naming me’. Which would be strawmanning it. I’m getting it wasn’t intentional, just your misunderstanding. Okay, that happens.

So with that established as the only thing I said and only point I was making;

You questioned me about his capability being “unwarranted”. I had said nothing about that. So I politely asked you not to reignite an argument we were supposed to have dropped.

And you are still going at it with the above post. I keep trying to leave it dropped and you keep trying to start it up again.

I don’t know why you had felt the need to be trying to pick at something that was supposed to have been dropped in the first place. But since you did, if you simply misunderstood me then the only answer necessary was:

“I had misunderstood you. I still disagree on the subject but I get what you meant now.” Or something to that effect. That’s it. That’s why I’m not responding to the rest.

My only desire was to defend the integrity of my words. Not pick up arguing with you again or keep explaining myself on a dropped conversation.

Hopefully this can be a close to the matter. I’m fairly sure others are probably tired of reading these, if they even bother.

In an effort to help establish a perspective that aids in preventing more of this (with you or anyone else), perhaps try to view me as more of a black sheep here.

I’m with ‘the herd’ on him needing dev attention and deserving to be in a better state. But I have some differences of opinion than many here on his old state, his current state and how improvement would best happen. That’s the simplest explanation I can give of where I stand.

I would hope it doesn’t have to be ‘If you’re not 100% with me, you’re against me.’.

I totally understand, I personally don’t like some of the reworks that are popular herre, but we can all agree that Bastion needs buffs, and that is what we should focus on.

If you don’t mind, what are your ideas on how to buff him?

Okay so if the post is directed to your name I’m not allowed to say anything else that completely relevant to the one and only and exact same thing you said? Do you think we are in a structured debate or something?

Besides, I can not see how what I said wasn’t relevant to what you said, maybe it wasn’t directly debunking it, but it wasn’t irrelevant I wouldn’t say.

This is exactly why I am not going to get in further discussion with you. If you want to micro-inspect words and then go on and on, and on, and on, and on, about how “instakill isn’t technically instant because on a horological level instant happens VERY fast so when you’re saying that you’re strawmanning me and you need to stop saying that!”.

By anyone’s standards, you’re not being coherent and reasonable, and are getting hung up on words even though you know what I mean by them.

You know how people say “one shot” in many other games even though the kill wasn’t actually a ONE shot? That is the same thing with insta killing, NO ONE here is saying that an instakill means literally an instant kill, if you keep want to keep having OCD attacks over it, go ahead, but I am not going to stop using that word because it’s the only short one I know that expresses the message well, and also because you’re the exception when it comes to disagreeing with the use of the word in such contexts.

First of all, I think you missed the part when I said before I wouldn’t mind giving it another go at a conversation with you, until you made this post, then I completely lost all faith it’s possible.

And second, you still came back, and you still said that he can instakill (Yes, instakill, if you don’t like it, invent a new word or provide me a good one) people in Sentry mode or almost kill them before they can even react. Then after you repeated yourself, I repeated myself as well, and elaborated in a way which you think was trying to re-start the conversation.

Oh I obviously know this, but us having to have a conversation isn’t even from disagreement.

Besides the “microinspect words to their technical level so such an extent that it becomes painful”, you’re also very confusing on your stance.

“Bastion could either kill or almost kill players in a tiny matter of time by just crossing over their head (the ‘crossing over’ part lasts for 0.1-0.3 seconds which is why I call it an instakill)”

So why do you think that’s too much?

“No no, I don’t think it’s too much, I just don’t like it.”

Why are you complaining about it then?

“Just my opinion.”

Do you think it was bad that he could do that?

“Yes, that’s why he shouldn’t get old spread and headshots back.”

Why so?

“Because he can cross over people at head level and deal a lot of damage.”

Do you think that is bad?


Did it make him overpowered?


Well I think he should get reverted fully.

“No he shouldn’t because that would be bad because he would deal a lot of damage just by crossing over heads.”

Why do you think that the damage he could do that way was too much? Can’t you just duck or jump or stay behind a barrier?

“Hey don’t put words into my mouth I never said it was too much!”

You literally can not go anywhere with a person that just jumps around word lily pads and keeps obstructing the conversation with microinspecting words despite knowing what I meant by them, you can’t blame me for feeling this way.

I’ve had arguments with many people on this forums but I’ve never met anyone (I keep emphasizing this because I literally haven’t, otherwise I would know how to deal with it better) that each time they respond manages to stretch out the conversations to like 3 pages which are barely even related to the topic of the discussion. So then I have to respond to all of it if I want to maintain conversation, then after that you have to, rinse and repeat the forum pages get flooded by just 2 people and no one likes it, especially not me when I have to go typing to this mess.

(But I do it for my Bastion boi)

And now I’m waiting a response to have you play victim again and try to make me look like some con artist, then I’ll have to debunk you again. But the thing is, I have the patience for it. So if you want to keep making such posts, I’ll keep responding.

The two of you need to stop kicking a dead a dead horse.