šŸ’” Bastion ISNā€™T being forgotten, heā€™s being ignored

Do i need the appā€¦?

Welp i have it now anyways.

Well, I guess not but itā€™s incredibly useful to have the app on your PC


Well, at least we know iā€™m not entirely incompetent. :3

That was awkward.
But at least I know how you guysā€™ voices sound like.
Iā€™m happy.
Human being.

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I wonder what a whole bunch of trolling flags does to an accountā€¦ :thinking:

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That came out of nowhere.


Soā€¦we still supporting the idea of that Overclocked rework? That idea is a total dream.

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Tank on E? If they want to go full rework mode, then yes. Iā€™d still prefer a simple Sentry revert thoughā€¦

As would I, but the Overclocked rework does include a removal of Ironclad and a revert to Sentry config. But yes, I shouldnā€™t bite off more than I can chew, sentry revert is top priority.


We can only give ideas, its up to them to change stuff and balance.

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Yeahā€¦ Iā€™m just really hoping theyā€™ll listen to us. Itā€™s not really in their track record, but maybe theyā€™ll start nowā€¦

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Iā€™ve already explained why unless Bastion is just made OP again or Tank is reworked onto E heā€™ll remain a troll pick, but yes at least a partial Sentry revert is the top priority

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Thereā€™s this one question in life that keeps bugging me:

One egg, or two eggs?

I canā€™t figure it out, manā€¦

Oh sorry, I thought I was in my intellectual sub-reddit.

Thatā€™s not really true is it, the only reason he was a troll pick before is because of his scuffed kit. But they decided to buff his kit and nerf his Sentry.

Itā€™s not one way or another in this case, because balancing it will not be complicated.

Edit: Oh and Ironclad, stupidest idea they couldā€™ve possibly came up with for him.

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If they revert the Sentry changes, I donā€™t think heā€™ll be a troll pick anymoreā€¦ He might still be f-tier, but I donā€™t think heā€™d be a troll pick.


We can definitely all agree that the first and most vital step to his fixing is 2 degree max spread and headshots back, the rest is debatable.


Yeah even I am starting to see that nowā€¦

As much as I love the extra defense, the nature of damage resistance makes him too easy to pocket.

My personal wish would be to give him an extra 75 armor in Sentry instead so heā€™s tankier to accommodate for the immobility but not CONSTANTLY reducing damage

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Isnā€™t that the definition of F-tier?

If they keep a constant spread, they should go for 1.5 or 1.75 degrees. If they add bloom back, then 2 degrees would be fine

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Nah, the tiers are just based on pickrate

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