Bastion is oddly close to heavy in tf2

I miss the days of my strange Vaccinator. Vaccinator took a lot of work to utilize well, but oh man the tears of rage from the enemy when you did it well. My heavies loved me, my enemies hated me, and I took a lot of pride in my work.

As far as the primary weapon goes, Orisa is definitely a lot closer to Heavy. The biggest distinctions are a lack of charge and having projectiles for Orisa.

I think of him more like a Level 3 sentry. Stick him in a good spot with your rescue ranger Ana and he’ll wreck anything that gets close, but deployed in the wrong spot and he’ll instantly die.

Zarya may seem to be like Heavy, it’s literally only aesthetically. They play nothing alike, it’s not even a comparison.

I haven’t played TF2 in a while, but for almost all of its lifespan, and I played it since launch, heavy was a meme in competitive. The standard template was some combination of Soldier, Scout, and one Demo and one Medic since they were typically limited to one or else there would be even less variety. Sniper was the black sheep who was just as viable as most of those previously mentioned in the right hands, but wasn’t typically used either.

All the others, Heavy included, were mostly considered cheese in comp.

Heavy is severely obnoxious and people playing tourneys did not want to see him in play, hence bans on GRU letting Heavy arrive to mid fight in time.
It’s the same as 4 tanks in Overwatch, people just don’t want to deal with it, so they ban unlocks and limit tanks to 2 per team.
Heavy is effective.

yeah, but bastion is less in need of attention

There were competitive games where nothing was banned and Heavy still wasn’t used anything near regularly. Even with GRUs he wasn’t mobile enough compared to Demo/Soldier/Scout and could be easily picked apart by a coordinated team in most situations.

Anything can be dealt with. Even 4 tanks. People just don’t want obnoxious strategies to be viable and abused.

I mean is that really a surprise. A lot of the early overwatch heroes were basically tf2 classes/weapons made into heroes.

Mei-Opposite Pyro
Sombra-Spy’s invisibility
Torb and sym-Engineer
Genji-Scout’s double jump
Zarya-(Do I even need to say it)
Hanzo-Sniper’s bow
Pharah-(Again do I even need to say it)

Well sure, there’s some contingent of people who just don’t like cheese. I’m just saying that’s all Heavy was really though in my experience with TF2 competitive some years ago. He wasn’t quite as bad in comp as Pyro, Engi, or Spy tended to be, but he was not at any time viable in general. And another thing is there is another group of people, maybe larger than the first group, who really loved it when cheeky strats would work.

On the rare occasion that someone could make Spy work in a competitive tournament it would get quite a bit of traction in the community. It’s kind of the same with Overwatch when an offmeta hero makes something work in OWL or whatever.

Spy is such a desperation move though.

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Bastion was given this sandvich by heavy free of charge for being a good teamate.

I wish there was a character similar to scout being fast yet actually has a fun weapon to use.

Came here to say this

Except heavy is actually good.

Except Mercy IS a bird! Or angel, take your pick.

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he even has boxing gloves in the one emote

but are they heavy’s gloves or pathfinder’s gloves?

That’s an artifact of arabic referring to machines as females. Not unlike how some people in the Western world do to their boats or cars etc.

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