Lets be true , tracer is not broken its just that shes a counter to bastions
It’s not just Bastion, I can work around her. The problem is her ability to melt tanks and get out and reset every few seconds practically for free
Good tanks can defend from her its an healers worry
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However I got falsely permabanned due to mercy mains, and on the verge of leaving these forums.
Just last week it was the dva mains.
In all, I’ll probably be on less and less to avoid future encounters with the toxic people on these forums. Say something they don’t like? They report your for harassment and trolling then you get banned.
D.va can defend herself from the front, but not from the back where Tracer is likely attacking from.
Reinhardt can swing his hammer around but he’s not guaranteed to hit her and now his shield is down. He’s easy pickings.
Roadhog can Hook her, but a good Tracer will either somehow recall after being reeled in, or will break LOS before the Hook lands.
Orisa might as well just switch. Her primary fire is too inconsistent at close range, Tracer can Blink out of Halt!, and Fortify simply inconveniences Tracer as she just has to circle strafe for a second longer.
Winston is a legitimate counter to Tracer due to not needing conventional aim.
Zarya can’t bubble through a full clip of Tracer’s primary fire. She also needs to completely switch her attention to Tracer and becomes easy to kill.
Your forum is doing well. Many suggestions have come through and new forums for more bastion mains are coming up. Hopefully blizzard looked at some of these changes and will consider some. Also be cautious, mercy and dva have a huge player base and will defend the hero at all costs despite of being op at some point.
1.The dva can just charge the tracer or dive her
2.Reinhardn’t can try swing his hammer once then put a shield on if he got healers
3.Roadhogs shotgun is deadly when timed right
4.That is why she got that semi graviton
6.If zarya got full charge tracer is going to probably run
Yay!!! Or nay?
I main all three… Bastion, Mercy and Dva… all with golden guns… every hero has a problem -.- Sry about that… not all Dva and Mercy mains are so hatefull…
Bastion is really good on defense, and replaceable by soilder on attack. I think that’s fair.
In terms of pick rate, well he is just easily killed by most Dps and nobody wants to be countered. Knowing the enemies probably have 4 dps just like us.
- D.va has a hard time charging and diving when Tracer is constantly behind her.
- Rein will likely be killed before healers can help, and even then the healers are basically feeding Tracer.
- Roadhog’s primary fire is surprisingly inconsistent even when timed well.
- That “semi-graviton” is Halt!, and as I said Tracer can Blink out of it.
- Yep
- No one is going to charge a powered-up Zarya, but even then Zarya is rarely fully charged long enough for it to really matter since Tracer can just poke her until the end of time.
Yeah I found out the hard way. Literally had 5 Mercy mains come and pull up my overbuff stats and start screeching that I have “thrower” Mercy stats. However most of my playtime on her came from S3/S4 where I played her at a diamond level.
Then I get permmabanned for harassment. LIke wtf. I submitted a support ticked and they unbanned me from the forums, but I still have a week long suspension in-game so SIP first week of uprising.
Either way, I’m done with those mains.
But being glad always triumphs and I’m always happy to see more support for Bastion.
Yeah I didn’t put the little not at Dva/Mercy mains thingy since I also have some Dva and Mercy mains friends.
It juts sucks that most are so vicious.
His stats say otherwise. He wouldn’t be the least picked hero if he could work on defense.
He sucks on defense unless the entire team works around him. That’s bad design. You are still better off with a Soldier or a tracer who can re-position.
The idea is he crushes a choke like junk rat. If you walk through the main choke on any 2 cp bastion can be savage.
Maybe briggete will make him un diveable, and he becomes more viable. As he loses when he gets dove and stuffed or the enemy’s avoid going through his choke.
Still waiting. Still no orange text
It’s… It’s alive!
and for further testing I posted my rework proposal here: Bastion rework idea
It was the one from my megathread.
I believe Bastion needs his shield back from the beta, but with balance changes. A stationary target is going to die very quickly. Torbs turret roughly has the same HP as Bastion, and it dies not because its a threat, but because its an easy target.
EDIT: Fixed spelling errors since im tired.
I suggested this earlier and even made a video
but i’ve heard from Kolorblind that this would be too annoying to play against. With people like orisa, rein, etc. It would be worse with more shields, I could see how.
Could be slightly annoying, But ya never know!
The more we throw around ideas, the more Coverage this Topic gets, i still think it’s a great idea, tbh…
I didn’t even notice this page had 190 likes, pretty good.
But the argument stands with the shield I guess. It could be annoying to fight. But it is only just 300 hp, 3 Junkrat bombs or 3 Pharah rockets can break it solo. So when they say just run Brigitte, Orisa, Rein, Etc if he had a shield, you’d think if it was op they’d run it now. The question is, how would just a mere 300 hp shield help in that team fight scenario. If its used in a team fight, it sounds like he could live for an extra 1 second if hes getting attacked and puts it up. Also if it gets destroyed in a fight, he wont get it back unless he goes in recon so he would have to move. When that happens then its easier to kill him then or attack when he has to get up, the shield has to regen for around 5 seconds so if he gets dove on then, the shield wont be full durability. The shield is really only good for him when hes basically considered alone or his team moved etc, like a self reliant hero.
Maybe you can add on the my own little discourse for the shield lol
But what I am up for is just a ton of abilities for him, (from that one robot from the game someone suggested). Id like a railgun shot or a volley of grenades. something fun and utility wise.