Bastion is being forgotten

Bastion is not picked because its a dive meta. He will never be good vs a cohesive dive comp unless they totally change his core gameplay. In a meta with doomfist/tracer/genji/sombra as valid picks bastion will never thrive. That doesn’t even count dva and monkey being top picks and diving on him.

Let me tell you that with old sentry i could at least get 2 picks before they could take me down.

Going against the dive with bastion could work if he was in a better place.

Right now, he is not.


better spread and headshots counters it. He doesn’t have to be nearly as close making it harder to dive him as well as he will be able to kill Tracers/Genji’s because he will actually be able to hit them.



Melting diving tracer or genji with good aim was the thing for bastion, even tho he was easily killable.

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I doubt it but do you remember my first post? That’s the only point I’m trying to get across. They would have to change a chunk of his kit to fix his main issue which is his lack of mobility. That will always be his main problem

please read my megathread, I’ve linked it so many times I will not again. The rework would help with that.

also reverting spread and headshots means he doesn’t have to be in sentry as long to get stuff done so he can be more mobile


Dont ppl realise he is trading mobility for dmg, right now he just trades it for nothing.

His TTK versus heroes is the problem, everything can get him before bastion can even secure one kill.


I do, I have read it several times, and you have never shown us with numbers why you said what you said. We are showing you math, and bringing along other character examples to show you how the currently accepted “working fine” characters make bastion irrelevant to the game, he needs a buff, and a properly tested and designed buff will not break him.

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Maybe at a distance but up close is where he tears down anyone. He’s not supposed to catch you from down the street like a Gatling sniper.

My first comment wouldn’t need numbers to explain it…

Well he was created bulky with big hitboxes so snipers for example can get him easily from a distance even tho he could “snipe” as well.


Snipers can do that to anybody. Just like how they say snipers can counter anyone.

He was never meant to stay close to the threat, as he can get overwhelmed easily.


He was never a front liner. Always on the back row of the fight, perched in the corner. Still close enough to put in work

Yeah, he kind of is. Not as far as you’re thinking, but still a good range. He can’t move so being forced to be close to make anything of his damage is a gigantic negative. You’re easy to hit and now you’re close enough for hook or other high damage close range attacks to hit.

Also, weren’t you leaving for work or something?


Yeah but the other guy didn’t take the agree to disagree.

Yeah he did, he just said you’re disagreeing with all of us instead of him particularly.


That was after the comment before.

It’s not so simple. You have proven nothing, and just came here to say NO buffing him, without showing evidence of how things will change.

“Like all defense heroes they are hard to balance without making them OP. They only exist strictly to wipe the enemy as quick as possible.”
Please show your work. Otherwise you can blanket say that about anything in any game.


The thing is, you talk about bastion from your perspective that is information on paper and your feels about him, WE talk from experience and field gathered feedback.