Bastion is being forgotten

Literally the best in every situation. It’s ALWAYS the player who holds Tracer back, not the Hero. Bastion is held back by his design FAR more than by the players skill. That makes him situational vs always valuable. This basically punishes you for learning how to use a character when you will get more value out of spending that time with Tracer.


EMP instantly deletes that comp.


Not to mention higher reliable dps output, Coupled with the most movement in game…


“Situational” and “niche” are just excuses to leave a hero horrible because you’re afraid of the hero getting buffed.


Those are exactly why this is a problem. Makes me sad. =(

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Well his 0.57% pickrate for ‘barrier buster’ isn’t getting him anywhere. Niche or not, he’s in a bad spot.

EVEN WITH PIRATESHIP he’s the worst and most least-picked hero in the game.

1 meta strat that everyone hates yet it doesn’t even make Bastion very relevant. Imagine the spot he’d be in without pirate ship. 0.02 pickrate anyone?


That’s because she’s designed that way, like soldier, she’s not designed to be as situational as bastion. Like every defense hero they are boom or bust. And because of that potential boom, blizzard is scared to buff and tweak too much. Look at scatter arrow, too much constant boom. It’s just the design he was intended for. He’s not meant to be soldier or Tracer. We both know this is the case with all defense heroes. They are just situational DPS.

except they’re more bust than boom and people just spout “NICHE!!!” and ignore it.


Not really. Especially when that hero is purely designed to destroy things quickly and nothing else.

Well his situation is killing him because why go Bastion to destroy barriers when all of Dive can just jump past them?

He sucks even for the niche that you choose to shoe-horn him into.


Guess what Blizz did? They made him kill things a minimum of half as fast and anything past about 5-10 meters takes even less than that. They took what made Bastion, Bastion, then flushed it down the toilet.


I’m not shoe horning him into niche, that’s his design by blizzard. All the defense heroes are like this to a degree.

You’re supporting it though.


In that scenario, I once again posit the question: Why should I commit any of my time to Bastion, when Tracer is just better and more versatile? Blizzard is always adding new heroes to the game in order to server a function, Bastion does not serve any function that other heroes can’t do better. His ability to BOOM is outdone by Both Tracer and Genji, while they don’t have any sort of Bust aside from being hard countered by Winston in the case of Genji. Tracer has no bust.



Which is why he’s suffering. His rework was suppose to help him, but prior he was actually balanced. Unfun to play against, but then again who isn’t?

THATS why we want buffs. THATS why this thread exists. He’s in the worst spot he’s ever been in and all you do is screech about pirate ship.


If you’re asking for buffs to a character that’s main and sole purpose is to quickly end fights in seconds then yes, I’m going to scrutinize a little and not just hop on the buff everything train without considering how it might affect the game as a whole.
You’re thinking as 1 guy who plays a lot of bastion, I’m thinking how he’s used and how it affects the rest of the roster, not just 1 character

That doesn’t explain why they can’t get buffed then. Junkrat got buffed and is now used in a lot more situations. Same can be said for Mei. Torb and Hanzo are down the pipeline. But “hey, Bastion is situational and I hate pirate ship so eh, keep him there.”

Niche or not, that’s not a reason to exclude the worst hero in the game from being buffed along with everyone else.

What fights? What fight does Bastion excel in at ending compared to any DPS on the roster. If anything Tracer ends fights faster since she has the mobility to hunt down supports.

Bastion can only mow if left unchecked and spoiler alert, every time he gets picked he’s target #1. Anything Bastion can do, anyone else can do it better.


I mentioned pirate ship as a fair point and you considered it screeching? You’re coming off a bit upset with your exaggerations.

It would make him viable, that’s how it would effect the game. I’m thinking as basically every single Bastion main I’ve met. Even Kolorblind wants to buff Bastion.

When basically every single player and even the most pro player of that hero and that hero is absolutely horrible wants a buff, something’s wrong with the hero.

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You are thinking with little to no play time on the character at all. I’m a fill player who has more comp time on other DPS heroes purely because Bastion is an inferior pick. Why is it that other heroes are allowed to define the meta, with no competition, but the moment Bastion is brought in to the discussion, it’s bad for the game?