Bastion is being forgotten

Love mercies weapons boost for the most part but i wish Mercy had a stealth beam mode… as mush as we are primary targets a Bastion/Mercy mix means instant death for one of us and then the other soon after. Thankyou for your efforts.

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Cause it is obvious that he should got buff.

Old bastion is far more better than now.

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Why they are struggle to ingore us.

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because console players appear to shout the loudest so the devs put on ear plugs.

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Team USA won 2 games against Austria in the OW World cup.
After seeing that, I HIGHLY DOUBT blizzard will look at the popular opinion, and say you’ve been using him wrong. USE him like TEAM USA did in the OWWC the HIGHEST LV of COMPetitive PLAY
:rofl: :smiley::us_outlying_islands: :us_outlying_islands:

This is an honest opinion, and modest, im surely wrong. Been said that bastion was a really bad design.
In competitive is pretty situational, things like pirate ship made others realize that…the sentence “git gud” against a coordinated team with a bastion a shield and heals is not easy, even for the pros.

In casual modes, can be abusive, in mistery heroes usually that ends the game, in qp as well as people struggle to deal with a really good defense. Let me explain that last point please. To play a torb sym or bastion you need to place defenses and thats all. To play against them and work around them needs coordination. Something that we lack as casuals in qp or solo queueing.

Is interesting though how a bastion, for example, can suck in one game and in another be really reall abusive with the proper helps in a casual mode or against a not coordinated team. Thats why i said it is bad designed from the very beginning… for ones can be really easy and with little place and that needs a buff for others like me, casual, bad player and avoiding comp…makes the match terrible in fun.
Again i respect the player that picks him up, that defends it and that think that needs a rework, I really respect your opinions, for me, personally is one of those characters…and the list is growing, that sucks the fun of the game for the rest.

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I don’t even care if they want to keep his damage output roughly the same, just make him feel consistent to play… Tighten spread, reduce his damage to 12, add headshots, give him bonus damage to barriers to put him at the same DPS that he is now…

I just want him to feel better to play, his theoretical damage is pretty decent right now, maybe a bit higher so he stands a chance against Roadhog… He’s not terribly bad right now apart from his inconsistent damage, that’s all that really needs changed.

Well, that was meant to be a reply, but :man_shrugging:

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I’ve given up on these forums. It’s fairly obvious that Blizzard isn’t paying attention and doesn’t care.

Bastion’s been broken for a whole year without a word, they won’t stop nerfing Mercy, and apparently even other characters I don’t care about are being ignored.

Until Blizzard feels a punch to the pocketbook, they’re going to continue ignoring us.


then how about playing quake champions?

Bastion is a hero with a broken design. He will remain useless forever, because Sentry Mode will never work on the game. The developers said specifically that Bastion isn’t on the rework slot, likely because of this.

I would throw in the towel and learn some other heroes.

Citation, please? Where was this said?

People seem to think that silence means directly saying it won’t happen… this also seems to be a rather new point of view…

Call me old fashioned, but i dislike it.

I’m looking at the source, and it actually from early this year. I don’t think I can post links yet, so you’ll have to take my word for it, but after reading it, I don’t think a Bastion rework is fully out of the map as I thought:

Their rework or balance list consisted of these heroes (as of January 2018)
Mei (Icicle Buff)
Symmetra (Rework)
Sombra (Rework)
Doomfist (Enormous Bug Fixes, Shield and Meteor Strike Buffs)
Torbjorn (Rework)
Hanzo (Rework)

Instead of a “rework” slot as I thought, it’s actually said to be a balance plan and list for the F-Tier Heroes as of January. It means what I said is completely wrong, but otherwhise it’s a good way to see Blizzard’s plan that they accomplished through the year. Maybe they’ll do another balance list? I’d still not hope on anything because of what I said, but hope if you like.

I would lose my mind and rage quit if they made another list and he’s still not on it.


To be frank, even if I think Bastion’s Sentry pretty much won’t work, the developers can’t just leave him completely in the ditch, right? The game isn’t perfectly balanced and the list thing actually worked pretty well, so they ought to repeat it. He has a short and everything, he is a popular hero. As of Torbjorn’s rework, he’s the only hero in the need of a rework in the game right now: Symmetra with some significant buffs will become a great hero, her kit is flexible and has potential.

we have done it friends


Positive progress.

We’ll see how much it helps, but I still think that at the very least we need Ironclad to kick in as soon as we hit Q.

Getting bonus armor instead of Ironclad would be nice.

So would replacing Ironclad entirely with a heavily nerfed Beta Shield which only lasts as long as Zarya’s bubble and doesn’t start cooling down until you leave Sentry Mode.

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Tbh. I feel the current bastion new PTR buffs isnt gonna much viable for me. He can still be taken out cause of his stationary form. I think they should give him another ability when only in Turret form and that would be LARGE JUMP UPWARDS
It wont move him left or right, but it some sort of mobility plus can use for great surprise attacks and such.

Let’s Change bastion!!

He is still extremely good in low ranking bronze. New players cannot deal with him. It would be nice if he was more competitive, but maybe that was the idea?