Bastion is being forgotten

The title has changed, did a mod change it?

Did we lose our stop sign again?


So mods are watching.
I was going crazy with that. Even thought of breaking ToS to test it.

Yeah, we’ve lost it once before, the mods have seen us it seems, but I’m not sure about devs… I assume they have, it would be almost impossible for them to not have seen the thread…

I don’t think emojis in titles breaks ToS though does it?

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for sure they have, It’s somewhat close on the top posts of all time

It IS the top thread of all time… Well, top non-blizz

Maybe they only ever use “New” when looking at the forums :thinking:

Then they should’ve made a responce on one of the countless threads poping out about Bastion.

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If we had to give something up on sentry I’d start with the swap speed.

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Adding a stop sign isn’t against the rules so I have no idea why they would remove it.

Not Mercy’s thread though.

Will be if it continues.

Well… if it continues and we have actual dialog with the devs.

I don’t think there are enough of us to make that many posts. It’s because there’s just so many Mercy mains.

Let me respectfully disagree.
If bastion was in a better place, lots of people would pick him up.

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Tbh, I’m starting to think they don’t reply to us because we’re calling Bastion “him”, not “it”.
They’re offended u_u

But that’s the point, there aren’t enough of us now. There may be more after any changes though. The problem I see with that too is people are going to complain we got “boosted” on a “broken hero” if we climb any higher than we are now with him.

The voice actor is a dude right? He makes sounds which are put through some massive filters.

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I’m pretty sure Michael Chu did the voice acting

It’s Chris Metzen Bastion - Overwatch Wiki
look here and on Bastion’s information on the right it says.

Tbh I’m not playing ranked because I just cannot. On EU servers, playing Bastion is enough to make any team throw.
I could make a 6 stack but i can’t find players willing to. As far as I’m concerned, i could go up to low master if i tried with current bastion.

The rank arguement is a fallacy in itself