Bastion is being forgotten

This new hero is a super mobile tank with high accuracy machine guns, and a ton of HP… WTF?! Bastion Deserves old sentry.


High accuracy, but they just tickle pretty much (Like 10 damage per shot)… Not that I’m arguing with old Sentry though

Edit: 5 damage per shot, but he normally shoots 2 guns at once. It’s kinda hard to shoot 1 bullet, I had to make a macro for it

I need to try him out when I get home, but it looks like he can very consistently deal his damage. This is insulting to Bastion.


Yeah, it’s pretty good… I really like his guns, they’re what Bastion should be, only Bastion should have a bit more damage


I don’t know if it’s been talked about yet but Hammond’s transformation speed is ideal for bastion. Also add Hammonds movement ability as well.


Hey, bastion just receive a minibuff in fall off damage. Congrats. Keep pushing!

Mei actually benefited from this the most, she no longer has fall off on her secondary…
Soldier, and Mcree also got this buff, it was global… =/

It is global for midrange heros (junkrat has a bug fixed too)

But short range heros like reaper and hog wasnt buffed. So it is not universally global

So basically it’s old Bastion spread. The devs are just being cruel now :frowning: (not really, it’s just a joke). Quite literally everything we’ve asked for has been given to other heroes on purpose or not.


That was given to all midrange heroes, not just Bastion. It was a blanket change it wasn’t meant for Bastion specifically. Also he still sucks it doesn’t do much.


Are you testing it now Terran?

So close. Now if we could get smaller spread and faster transportation speed

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Well I know 3 more damage per bullet past 35 meters isn’t going to help much knowing he’s still missing almost all his bullets. I tested Hammond but it’s impossible to do that at the moment with everyone playing him.

While I wouldn’t argue with faster transform speeds, I don’t think he really needs it… Spread for sure, but I think his transform speed is fine… Except Tank, that one needs to be shorter

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Pretty much… Did he have a starting spread before? I thought he was pinpoint to start off like with his Recon gun or Soldier’s gun, did he have a starting angle?

Have you seen Hammond’s? That helps a whole bunch in the mobility and positioning departments

I want to say it’s 0.5 seconds for both transformations (to and out of ball mode), but I’m not sure how to actually test that… I mean, maybe that would help Bastion, it would definitely help with the mobility thing, allow him to move slightly more freely…

Yes it’s half the time from my testing. I didn’t time it but tested it with a friend a few hours ago

Wait, half the time as in half of Recon -> Sentry, or half the time that I said (making it 0.25 seconds)?

Half of 1.0 just as you said