Bastion is being forgotten

In the interest of consistency I’m going to speak up on behalf of Bastion here and say that just like Soldier’s rifle; the spread, bloom, etc on Sombra’s gun has no bearing on what’s good or appropriate for Bastion’s Sentry.

‘Better than Sombra’s’ doesn’t mean ‘good enough for him’ basically.

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I’m terribly sorry if i gave you the wrong impression… I love debating, actually… :kissing_cat:
You won’t get an “Argument” From me… Unless you attempt to contradict Numbers and facts, that is.
(Long post incoming)

But the thing is… I have well over 100 hours on this hero, and i would just like to show what i personally think, from my experience, would be the right thing to do with this hero’s Balance.

As much as i don’t think Bastion’s mobility should be limited to a skill based move, The argument could stand that Bastion wasn’t even designed with any Mobility in mind…

That being said, i DO Think that Tank mode on E Would perfectly fit Bastion’s Character as a Transforming death machine…

Bastion units are meant to be Terrifying Machines of war… Expertly designed, to handle all possible terrain… Having a “Scouting” Recon Mode, undoubtedly meant for searching urban areas, and simple Scouting of guarded areas, A “Siege” Sentry mode, meant to live up to the Name BASTION As being stationary it could secure an area from the front, with no possible way to advance upon it (Directly), And a “Tank” Wheeled vehicle mode, more than likely for extra hard to navigate terrain, and well… as a fortified vehicle capable of dishing out huge damage via Tank Shells, and taking huge damage on the battlefield.

My point? Aka, TLDR:

Bastion units are meant to be versatile war machines…
And what says that better than multiple “Configurations” Able to handle any given situation in the battlefield?

The thing about Ironclad is… I genuinely hate it.
It is a Non-Interactive shortly lived “Buff” If you can even call it that, that simply has no direct impact on the gameplay experience, and Barely Even does what it was originally meant to do… The same thing can be achieved through adding literal armor to the health bar, Either in a transformation, or just replacing the current health Bastion has, with a modified version.

As an example, Bastion currently has 200 base health, and 100 armor.
During a Transformation like Tank mode…
(After being in it, I’m not talking about during the actual transformation itself, but that is debatable)
The health bar could literally just be reversed, for an effect as if Bastion gained further defenses through transforming itself into a different shape.
Or, simply added onto, as it was before the rework.

What i’m getting it is, Bastion needs better defense against burst damage, that’s for sure… But an unintuitive Data change that doesn’t show the player any difference is happening, and doesn’t reliably WORK, wasn’t the way to go about it.

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The thing about the differences between Sombra and Bastion, are that they have a completely Different (Intended) Playstyle…

Sombra can get behind your team without you knowing, and is Meant to be able to… Bastion? no way. Not to say it isn’t possible, but that’s not how he’s designed. he’s big, clunky, LOUD, and meant to stay near his team, and the area they are attacking/defending.

Sombra can get VERY Close to you… And Bastion will never do this on his own.

Sombra may be lacking the damage output, but she also needs to move around even during The fighting/shooting… She will take less sustained fire, and overall be more slippery than most… and thus is a less directly powerful hero when it comes to RAW Damage.

The hero that gives up mobility as a whole, Needs the fire power to compensate, and to assert his presence… Whereas, Sombra can bring herself to the enemy.
(And more than likely escape, without much chance of being followed or otherwise burst down.)

Basically, Bastion is slow, large, and beefy, And Sombra is small, fast, and mean up close.




Ill clip it:

Pt 1:

Pt 2:

Here ^


I got the clips, just need someone to make a post saying Seagull wants HS back on Bastion.

Also we’re approaching 4750 posts, so I needa hurry up with that Pt 2. to this thread :sweat_smile:

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We reached 4300 post. So what is the status for the new one?

What if?

Tank on E had a small almost non explosive projectiles [maybe affected by gravity kinda like torb long range shots] that you can spam , but if you hold LMB to charge them (hanzo like) then you can make them more deadly with bigger explosion and more dmg. We dont have to 2 shot ppl, how about a change where you get more ammo and faster rate of fire (although with slower RoF and higher dmg it would be more skillful cause once you miss you dead boi)

Plus you couldnt really snipe with low charged bullets because of the bullet drop, not sure about rocketjumping if that would be possible only with high charged ones.

Idea planted now go modify to your needs.

Interesting concepts and ideas you guys.

The biggest problem with Bastion is that he could only be successful with a borrowed shield. That means having a tank to babysit him. If Blizz would give him his personal shield back with the “E” ability, then he can be more independent. Instead of being able to shoot and having shield up at the same time like in beta, Bastion could now only use one or the other just like how Brig works. That is all that is needed. He would need the shield when he is being focused by the enemy team. He is fine in any 1v1, but playing Bastion is never a 1v1, but more like 1v3. That is why he needs his own shield just for those moments when he is being focus by the enemy team.

Personally, I wouldn’t want to see a rework of Bastion in the way of how Sym turned out. They basically just stick a Zarya gun on Sym. It doesn’t even feels like Sym anymore. I imagine I would feel the same way if Blizz sticks a Winston gun on Bastion and called it good. It would be very disappointing and I would probably quit the game all together.

Bastion doesn’t need a rework. He is awesome the way he is and fun to play. He just needs his (nerfed) shield back so that he could be independent again. Frankly, nobody wants to babysit him. That is why he is not welcome in any team comp.

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Have you seen the shield concept proposed around here, for basically that, Except…
It only deploys in Sentry (Allowing you to shoot through it, of course… Since that’s the time when you’ll be taking a LOT Of Sustained focus fire) BUT, Only Heals itself out of sentry… In Recon or Tank mode, if you happen to ult.

Basically, Out of sentry = Healing the shield.

I Love the idea, honestly… But i STILL Feel like Bastion’s basic Damage needs to be addressed.

  • Headshots.
  • Lowered Spread.

It would be the most basic way of countering corner spam, as well…

There is also the idea of Moving Tank mode to E And replacing it with an “Overclocked” Ultimate, Which boosts ALL Modes.
I like that idea…


I think all of these are great ideas, except that it may be too much to wish for especially with the damage increase. Yes, I love the old Bastion gun back before the current tickles gun, but for everything you gain (like moving heals) Blizz takes away.

A good compromise that I think Blizz would accept is to keep him the way he is, but just add a very nerfed/limited shield. A shield that:

  • Could only be used in sentry mode.
  • Could not shoot while shield is up.
  • Can’t heal while it is up.
  • 200 hp before breaking or resource based.

In exchange, Blizz would most likely slow down his healing rate from 75 hps to 50 hps. I doubt they’ll do anything about damage or spread with the guns, but they could increase his transformation speed to 1/2 seconds flat in all modes and possibly give him back some armor for tank configuration so that it won’t be sure a suicide button.

Hey Blizz, how about just leave him as he is and just give him back his shield while reducing his tank mode damage output from 205 to 200 dps?

Yeah right! We can wish.

The problem with this is… Not only could a Hanzo probably shred through that, AND The Bastion right now…

If you cannot shoot while it’s up, OR Heal, It would just be Poked to death from any doorway within sight.
(Not to mention the fact that without gun changes, there would be NO Countering said Corner peeking. Even if it’s only five meters away.)

I stopped “Dreaming” a while ago… Now i’m just waiting.

No good company leaves anything on hold for over a year, without Something To show for it…

Even if that “Something” Is only brought through popular demand…
Hell, even the Genji mains want Bastion buffed now.

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What if?

Orisa had a turret mode and bastion her grav ball?

or just give orisa an ability that lets you transform into a truck.

(づ◔ ͜ʖ◔)づ gimmie

I’ve been watching some Overwatch videos on youtube and there are basically three consensus when comes to balancing the game:

  1. Like Sym and now Torb, Bastion is next for a rework being at the bottom of the barrow.

  2. There is no need for rework or change for Bastion. He is fine the way he is.
    Balancing could be done just by adding new heroes that counter his counters. An example would be Brig countering Tracer.

  3. Blizz is just ignoring the bad heroes like Bastion or nerfing him to the ground so that he would just fade away. No one would care as he is unpopular.

My observation from the recent changes to the game is that Blizzard is doing both 1 and 2. My hope is that Bastion would get some attention from Daddy Jeff after Torb. Though option 3 is still a possibility as even Mei get some attention recently, but not Bastion. I am hoping for the best always. What I do know is that as long as we keep posting ideas and keep showing our love for him, he’ll never be able to just fade away.

Keep up the good work you guys. Keep posting and keep playing Bastion as a show of force. Play Bastion. Be Bastion!

Not saying that it would be good enough for him. Just saying that the gun is actually not that bad and that it might not be the cause of his woes.

I am well aware of that. Like I said above, I don’t think the gun is that bad and just buffing it probably doesn’t really solve much except make pirate ship even deadlier.

Just think Bastion needs something other than more damage to overcome his weaknesses. Guess the Ratling Gun idea’s a bust. :disappointed_relieved:


So the hero 28 will be a new better bastion?

and whats with the hamster? xd

I would call those fixed rather than buffed… At least healing if nothing else. Bastion’s healing was brought in line with other healing sources in the game. Yes, it did make the ability stronger, so you could call it a “buff”, but it was more of a consistency tweak than anything. Recon was pretty useless before. Having a mode go from garbage to viable shouldn’t be grounds for “now we can’t buff anything else, because this was already a buff”.

Lets say Torb’s hammer couldn’t to damage to enemies before, and then they added that in a patch a year and a half ago. Can they now buff Torb from being a troll pick to being at least somewhat viable? Because they already buffed his hammer, so they can’t buff anything else…

Again, it’s worse than it was before. And if I am wrong about the pinpoint accuracy, then I’d gladly accept a different bloom option. The intent of the Sentry changes was to have it better than it is now with proper skill, but not quite as good as it was back then.

I don’t remember my response to this when you said something about it earlier (I know this one wasn’t directed at me, but still), but I’m only comparing to Soldier for context, not a direct comparison. Having all of these bloom and spread numbers is pretty useless if you have nothing to compare it to so that you know about what it will look like in-game.

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Why though? Gut his healing for a barrier that doesn’t do much of anything… Especially since he can’t have the barrier and heal at the same time…

Bastion is in such a poor state at the moment, that trading buffs for nerfs isn’t going to do anything for him, and will probably just put him in an even worse spot than he is now… If that’s even possible.

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If he can still rocketjump, I wouldn’t mind too much… Heck, I’d be fine with a 1.5 second delay between shots and 3 second recharge. If someone gets shot, and then stands out in the open for another 1.5 seconds, they kinda deserve that death. I’ve also put in a “maximum range” where the damage instantly drops off to 75 damage with the splash dropping proportionally to avoid the whole counter-sniping thing.

Not sure about charge time though, I’d like to keep Tank kinda fast-paced like it is now.

Hopefully he provides some form of protection to his team…

for anyone who hasn’t seen

Okay, theororising time…

  • In the ball form, he’ll have no head hitbox.
  • In the standing up form, his head will be the thing in the middle.
  • While standing, he’ll have high damage output with high rate of fire, good spread, and headshots on a hitscan weapon.
  • He’ll be able to move, but slower than normal like Oirsa.
  • Lots of health and armor
  • An ult that just buffs his rolling ball and standing forms…

Also, as a side note… There goes the “Droideka” idea. They couldn’t have really stolen this one, as they’ve probably had the idea and artwork for Hammond for quite a while now, but still…

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Hammond is a Hamster with guns… and I think they are stronger than bastions sentry mode…