Bastion is being forgotten

What if they moved forward and happened to bump into old sentry :wink:

but seriously that’s kind of a dumb design philosophy. They should do what’s best, not restricting themselves to a “only move forwards” philosophy. If moving back a step is best, they’d better take that step.

It’s still up to them to decide what’s best but just restricting themselves for the sake of it is kind of dumb.

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Because sentry is an ability, not a state. When he’s in sentry, he’s activly using his reconfigure ability. It’s not like Dva, where she stays in mech despite hacked. Pilot Dva is a different mode.

I dont think that its really that bad, just means they rather not revert if the problem would not be solved by it. Reverting here wouldn’t solve much, and make him more vulnerable to flankers and team dependent. I would rather them buff his DPS after solving his problems. The barrier idea solves his problems first, then its just tweaks to damage from there. Plus it encourages him to play good since good bastions already do know when to relocate and max DPS doing it. All reverting would do is nerf his range of motion and survival, for higher damage. Why not show what his good play is, reward it via buffs and more independence, discourage his bad play, and then tweak his damage from there? I think that’s better than just revert his rework.


I made this video in an hour along with my terrible editing skills, but this is the shield concept reword id want. The video is just for fun along with it being the idea of his shield.


That is Actually Great.


Thanks for putting it Together!

Totally not watching more of your videos, Btw


Shouldn’t it stay 300 HP the whole time but drop when it runs out of charge? It’s kind of useless if it hurts itself while you’re trying to use it to survive.

No I should of indicated it was being shot at like a (Taking damage) but its not dying just imagine its being shot at. Sorry about that :stuck_out_tongue:


But with which button do you get that shield up?

Do i have to bind it on my scroll wheel?

Probably E is the most reasonable I assume


Oh, i guess i had assumed that it was being shot at. X3

It didn’t look too confusing to me, Personally…

Great Videos, Btw.

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LOL thank you :D, I just upload things I think are pretty neat or ideas.


I tend to upload anything That i find funny and Potg’s, But it’s all from Console… X3

(Literally Not advertising)

I sometimes wish i could link some of my clips, tho… ;-;
Maybe someday… I’m trust level 2 Now, I think…

Do something like this:

just put this button ` the one above tab, before and after the link. It becomes unclickable but people can copy paste it into their browser. This is just the link to the thread we’re in right now. I sometimes record things too but it’s more of actual videos. I do have an awesome Rein play clip though.


Whoa that’s Useful. O-o


Sometimes i feel like bastion mains are like a hidden cult that no one knows nor wanna talk about.

Maybe one day things will change, for better i hope.


Why is this true? :thinking:

we should all have Robes.
And Secret Binary Meetings.


That’s why the omnic language can only be read by omnics.


Imagine omnic crisis 2.0 with current bastions. HA!


Oh… We omnics didn’t realize you humans had a British girl with a Firework, And A Ninja with a butter knife…

We’ll go home, i guess.

Omnic crisis over, it’s off guys… -.-

Guess we can’t invade yet, they still have a fat guy with a fishing hook.
Too much for our Bullets.

Added the taking damage text just for u :kissing_heart: