Bastion is being forgotten

You love that shrugging Reaper picture too much :laughing:


No response. Somebody will ask this in interview.

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What interview? Is something going on?

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If I could interview Jeff I would ask him.

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Someone go get famous on youtube real quick… just post mediocre Masters+ gameplay, and give commentary on other people’s plays that are extremely obvious.

He likes interviewing youtube people


You think it will still work if I post bronze+ gameplay?

manually edit in a masters emblem, and no one will notice


I’m vary at 2800-3000 so it’ll be awhile 'till I hit masters so hopefully high plat through low diamond is enough :laughing:

Someone did that once except when you hit the ground after a big fall your normal icon jumps a little so you could see the actual one underneath :laughing:

I will just make it a really big GM icon then, that should do the trick.

Yeah, I saw that… not sure if it was meant as a joke or what. You’d have to edit the video quite a bit, move the thing up and down… Or just never jump…

Easy if I’m playing Bastion.

The real question is why are we having two separate conversations in two different Bastion megathreads?

20 characters required


I guess this is a thing that’s happening now. o-o


^ This is why mega-threads get deleted guys. Annoying the forums won’t make Blizzard pay attention to you.

I don’t know why bumps happen… but it has happened.

At least it wasn’t kolor. Now that’d be a laugh.

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What’s wrong with it being Kolor? If Kolor explains why he thinks something is OP that can be an actual topic for argument.


When Bastion will rise again?

As soon as he is addressed by his creators.

Also… Why am i here? :thinking:
Guess someone rubbed my lamp.

Wait, why are we in this megathread now?

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