Bastion is being forgotten

When Bastion will rise again?

As soon as he is addressed by his creators.

Also… Why am i here? :thinking:
Guess someone rubbed my lamp.

Wait, why are we in this megathread now?

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I’m putting my money on a curse…

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Bumping for omnic God AI,s

This showed up in my “Suggested Topics.”
At this point, with this thread AND another massive one, I’m becoming doubtful they’ll ever respond.
Just to pass the time, what’s your favorite noise that Bastion makes?


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How do you post voice clips?

I copy them from the Voiceline pages belonging to the individual heroes.

Idk if you have to be Level three or not tho.

Hanzo style DASH while in sentry or recon mode ability: Press space bar and leap in the direction you press. 10-15 meters. 5 Sec Cool Down. Could be used like double jump to get into hard to reach areas.

As Cool as that would be, You would end up where you need to be Faster… And still lack the damage to defend yourself. Sadly.

Unless we fix sentry mode.

The dash would be instant so it could be used as an escape for incoming attacks. The dash would transform you back into recon, so scenario:

In sentry, you see crackhead charging with missiles, Dash into recon and you hop out 15 meters away.

Once again, that would be cool and all… But it kinda goes against what Bastion Is meant to do.

Bastion units don’t run away… They are meant to be able to hold their ground, Aka… “Bastion”

Not run from danger, like a genji.

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Sentry damage will not be buffed in any way, spread or critical. That’s not the direction the hero should go, it caused too much grief for new players, old forum full of Bastion is OP posts.

So the fix will be more abilities to escape. Or have another damage ability that isn’t based on sentry damage.

For me a Cannon Shot ability on E while in sentry, and leap ability would make bastion more full, raise his skill ceiling and be a better overall hero instead of the flower pot he is right now.

The cannon shot could be similar to his tank form, or a variant, e.g. a Mortar round with an arc.

No offence, but… i genuinely hope you are wrong.

It’s what he needs, to even be viable again… As EVERYONE Will always focus you as hard as they can… His strength should reflect that.

Sentry will not be changed. At best maybe a slightly reduced spread but that is about it, nothing like the Old bastion.

The old bastion was too good against squishies and they wanted that role to be torb’s turret which is pretty useless against tanks.

Torb is getting reworked… Lol

Also, What?
If a squishy runs up to a Bastion, They Should die Anyways.
That makes no sense.

He’s a Machine gun.


Do you think it would be viable to turn Bastion’s turret mode into his Alt-Fire?

Make the transformation into turret mode instantaneous; left button fires; releasing right button instantly returns him to Recon Mode. Ammo/reloading might be replaced with a time limit that cools down in Recon Mode.

Left Shift becomes the self-repair button.

This theoretically could make Bastion more responsive and flexible.

Are you a dev? Didn’t think so.

That’s kind of the point though. He can’t move, so be smart when you push him. You want to catch him while he’s in recon because he dies the fastest without his sentry damage in that mode. If he’s already set up it’s supposed to be in his favor that’s the entire freaking point of setting up. People keep wanting “fair” fights such as a McCree vs a Bastion as in both have equal chances of winning even if the McCree comes around the corner into a sentry Bastion. Who gave up all movement for that fight? Bastion. So why is it fair that someone else who doesn’t need to give anything up to be equal in that regard in a head on fight? If you’re squishy and you walk into him you die. That’s just how it’s supposed to work. The same as if you fight in Sym’s turrets it’s massively in her favor, if suddenly her turrets stop mattering in a fight then why is she sticking near them if another player can just flat out be better without needing to rely on anything else?


It’s not just kinda the point.

It’s the entire reason the hero exists.

It’s the reason you should pick Bastion over Mccree, Soldier, or in certain cases Torbjorn.

It’s “If you just run towards me, you die.”