Bastion has the wrong model on t3

the cannon rounds upgrade should swap bastions model to his old tank form ultimate, the gatling cannon shooting tank rounds looks really bad.
the cannon rounds themselves are hard to see unlike his old ult rounds.
really he should just have all the same visuals from the tank form ultimate.


There’s two problems with it

One, you can pick the perk mid-transformation. That can be solved either by swapping models right away, which would look bad, or swap models next time you use it.

The bigger problem though, if I remember right the tank mode Bastion doesn’t have the blue light on the back, right? That would be an unintended buff to the perk that isn’t easily solveable.


they could just add that in, plus even if it instantly swapped mid transformation it would only look just as jank for a brief moment instead of the entire match.
right now it looks as bad as an incomplete weapon from the custom game editor.

not to mention it would give the enemy team a visual indicator of what perk bastion is running, which on that note the scoreboard should display the perks selected like in heroes of the storm.

It… already does?

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The problem is that every skin needs it