Accounting for the time it takes to get in and out of sentry. IMO the long exit animation is unsalvageable and absolutely has to go.
It’s really not that hard. 30m sure, but Bastion’s effective range doesn’t go that far.
How am I moving them? When have I not been going on about how focus fire is a core tenet of the game’s design?
It is, but I don’t have enough information yet, and am unlikely to get more from actual gameplay. And without that, how else would I know if that level of damage would still be a problem? We could certainly use it in the double barrier era.
Are you referring to 2016 bastion or current reverse spread bastion?
Density of fire only matters in regard to the effect it has on Bastion’s effective range, and right now, it’s too short to position properly for any appreciable length of time.
It’s literally half a second.
You’re only 2.75m behind.
You’re referring to how Bastion’s spread was for most of 2017 and 2018, not how it is now. Sentry gun’s spread has been buffed.
Because you keep flipping if back and forth who is being focused, you keep changing who would be focused to contrive an outcome.
I just have you a load of information and you’re pretending you’ve got no information.
Hence why I said it “has shrunk” don’t play dumb to how linear time works!
What circular logic.
“This must not be enough because I remember at some point it wasn’t enough”. And you won’t play bastion to see for yourself. Even against bots.
It’s enough to get Bastion killed a lot more than he should be. Standing still for half a second on any character regularly gets you domed.
Like, you ever realize you know you’re gonna die on Bastion about 0.6~0.8 seconds before you actually die?
Point is, half a second is a lot, and your team will notice.
It’s not enough. By the time it’s shrunk and extended it’s range, the enemy is out of range and you have to make difficult decisions regarding your remaining 200ish ammo- like, do you continue with suppressive fire to keep accuracy up or not? It’s a decision Bastion players shouldn’t have to make.
I have. Who doesn’t try out all the new changes when a patch comes out?
Additionally, I play a tooon of hitscan. I have a vested interest in making bastion viable because that means I get more characters to play. For that he needs to be competitive, and right now he isn’t.
You haven’t said all that much with regard to old bastion’s point blank spray being overpowered, and my statement was addressing that exclusively.
Because a team will switch focus targets if it makes sense? You seem to treat the enemy team like PvE bots.
It’s also without a frontally visible critbox.
There are room for buffs but I am SO FED UP of dealing with people who can only think about anything in extremes. If I admit IN ANY WAY that bastion isn’t in an ideal place everyone goes
“AH HA! See i told you that bastion is completely useless and is causing you to lose games!”
They only notice enough to use it decide who to scapegoat, they don’t notice enough to ever really try to mitigate it.
The ironclad could persist while transforming, the problem is ironclad ends as soon as you initiate the animation to transform. Also the delay before self-repair could be much lower in recon form, right now the healing doesn’t really begin until half a second after activating the heal so that’s effectively a whole second where they can finish you off.
That “time” you refer to is only 1.33 sec.
In that time the average hero can have only moved 7 metres. And it’s not a binary state, the spread has shrunk more than enough within half that time.
if they have an ultra fast movement ability or immunity state then the time is irrelevant, nothing short of an insta-kill would then get them.
Only another 6-7 seconds of continual firing…
Why should every hero be simplified down so you have only ONE viable strategy!? And that is exactly what you want when you say you never want there to be any difficult decisions. That makes heroes boring, one reason people find bastion boring is how many phoney experts pass off their assumptions as fact that bastion does just have to always do the same thing.
Okay if I hop in a time machine and go back to 2017-2018 (after I’ve warned The W.H.O. about the impending Coronavirus) I’ll consider what you’ve said when I play Bastion in Overwatch.
But for everyone who DOESN’T have a time machine, that’s irrelevant.
No YOU are treating them like PvE bots, as if they are all robotically doing the exact same thing with machine like coordination and precision.
Where a bunch of randos who met in an online game somehow all decide to pick the same target but also pick THE IDEAL target.