Bastion is bad because instead of just buffing recon, which needed it, they nerfed his main combat mode sentry and his ultimate severely.
His Sentry mode lost a LOT of effective range with the 50% larger spread and forced max spread at all times. Throw in the removal of headshots and its pretty much you lost your rewards for being able to aim and you have to rely on RNG being in your favor to actually kill people at a decent rate.
His ult lost the +150 armor it got on activation.
What was supposed to balance these out? +100 rounds in sentry mode, since they knew you were going to be reliant on RNG, and Ironclad.
However because they forgot how effective uncapped percentile damage resistance is Ironclad proved to be too strong. So they nerfed it.
With no compensation.
No spread reduction, headshots were not given back, we did not even get some of the armor tank mode got on activation back.
This gutted Bastion because the recon buffs were not enough to hold up a garbage ultimate that is too flimsy without a Zarya to extend its lifespan nor was it enough to hold up a stationary shotgun effective range mode.
Because all recon ever was, was a worse Soldier 76 without any of the abilities and a much larger hitbox.
Ironclad was a mistake, especially when a Forward Shield would have been a more counterable option that did not let him counter his counters. It made him a “must pick” and got him nerfed into a state worse then when people were asking for him to be buffed.
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BTW it’s even worse than that, you don’t get the effects of ironclad until after you fully transform. Not only do you get less protection but you don’t get it right away either.
He can also heal himself during ult
He seems fairly good to me at the moment. Get mercy on him destroy all barriers that everyone complains about. Rest of the team is now at a huge advantage. He melts tanks, he makes Brigitte’s life hell and anything that hurts Brigitte right now is helpful.
Get a good angle on him, a mercy and tanks that know what they’re doing and GG.
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The group of players that rely the most on teamwork are actually using him less than before this meta that’s supposed to favor him. Oh and his winrate also tanked.
The people who should be able to make this comp work the best are giving up on him more than they already were. Statistics or on my side right now.
That was the only good thing tank got out of any of this.
Symmetra is more important
I’m a Bastion main and i love him no matter how neglected he is. The reason i keep playing him is the fact that he does require allot coordination or clever game play to get the best out of him on the current meta. He’s easy to Learn just Extremely hard to learn maps and gameplay to take advantage without a shield or friend to baby sit him. I can demolish teams without the need of a shield or healing all the time but it takes times and patience and know how skillful the other team is. He is super easy to pick off and makes you feel like you are playing against the world. I hope get gets reworked properly or fixed .
Faster healing to give him a chance to live.
Headshots would be nice
but Reduce spread as the turret heats up.
yes, not just into the ground, but to hell
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The only thing he needs are teammates that know how he plays.
A lot of Bastion players seem to want to pick a spot and hold it forever. Boring and counterable. To me, the fun in Bastion is the “surprise mofo!” aspect to him. Each team fight I’ll be in a different, difficult to deal with spot, forcing the enemy to adapt to my choices. It buys a tonne of freedom for the other dps and or offtank.
I picked up Bastion because I see how strong he is against current meta. If you’re on high ground, which meta hero is gonna make your life hell? Rein? No. Zarya? No. Brig? No. Hanzo? Most likely candidate but no scatter. Just get a shield. Zen? Maybe, again, shield.