Baptiste’s average damage per game is about 45% of what soldier gets
Bap average damage per game: 7k
76 average damage per game: 15k
It doesn’t matter if his primary does more damage, it’s entirely about the context of the damage and how much focus is put on the damage.
(edit, for context
Heros that Mercy out damages, Mercy’s dps is 200 per second
Ana does around 180 by the end of the second
Moira does 50dps
LĂşcio does 80dps or 160dps
Zenyatta 92dps or 184dps (no discord)
Brigittte about 70dps
Rein 75dps
Roadhog 45-150dps to 90-300dps
Zarya 95dps to 190dps
Wrecking Ball around 175dps
DVA 132dps to 264dps
Orisa 132dps to 264dps
Winston 60dps (one target)
Mei 150 dps
Symmetra 65-180dps
76, 180 dps
(no headshots, I assume (wiki stats))
Wow I guess that Mercy’s damage is a problem seeing as she out damages ALL those heros)
what makes you think that a support deserve do the same dps on primary weapon compare to DPS hero. especially that DPS have way more flex ability and win every single abilities including ultimate. In Dual or Team fight.
Yes, I’m talking about S(upport)76, get over here and heal me.
Which is why he’s a DPS/Support hybrid.
so your saying brig sheild should be about 1600 then?
That literally doesn’t align with what I said at all. Brit isn’t even really a hybrid anymore. Her shield is a sad excuse for one.
This doesn’t make any sense. It’s not okay if we get a support that has Widowmaker’s gun and can one shot but also has Ana level healing. Yes they will be healing most of the time but just having the ability to have Widowmaker’s gun pulled out for certain scenarios is huge.
Some of you are trying to make this a DPS vs Support thing and you’re missing the bigger issue which is power creep. These characters that start to do everything is a problem for everyone. Gone are the days where high damage on is balanced out by low healing to make characters like Zen or high healing is balanced out by low damage like on Ana. Or even a character like Moira who has high healing but low damage potential and no utility.
If this were pre 2-2-2 Baptiste would hands down be a better character to play as a DPS than Soldier. Exo boots/Regen burst>Sprint, Immortality field>healing station, ability to heal his teammates on demand>helix rocket, Amplification Matrix> Tac-Visor(literally one of the worst ults in the game). The only reason this is not a thing is because Bap takes up one of the two support slots.
To be fair, the only person Hog can “1 shot” consistently is Tracer.
it doesn’t have the same dps.
Even the strongest healer dps doesn’t reach the lowest damage dps.
Sombra does 160 dps.
Baptiste does about 130.
The video only puts them shooting at a barrier and doing nothing else, ignoring other abilities (soldier would have shot a helix rocket) and role.
In a normal match a baptiste wasting time shooting a barrier is about 10s of his team not getting heals.
So no, baptiste doesn’t have the same dps as soldier, nor the same barrier busting abilities.
Stop falling for stylosa’s clickbait
When Baptiste ACTUALLY starts dealing as much damage as Soldier in a game without completely neglecting his healing duty as one of 2 mandatory supports and therefore throwing the game,
THEN we’ll talk.
Im already tired of this Baps Brigade
He does 300 on a headshot which kill’s anyone but tanks.
That’s assuming the head is big enough for all the bullets to hit AND he has to be in your face.
This video is using a lot of bad logic.
Both are shooting at a 1600 shield. In terms of damage output, Baptiste will slowly start to outpace Soldier over time because of his clip size. Baptiste only has to reload half the time that Soldier does, which means that when shooting at the same target over a long period of time, Baptiste’s damage will catch up. HOWEVER, in the short term (as in, shooting at a character and not a shield), Soldier will always out-burst Baptiste.
This does not account for headshots, because the multiplier benefits Soldier’s 180 damage far more than Baptiste’s 134. While Soldier only outpaces Baptiste by 46 dps with bodyshots, with headshots, Soldier does 360 damage while Baptiste does 268, which is almost 100 times the damage. This puts Soldier in the position of being good at burning through healing or killing high-health targets like Tanks. Against squishies, the two are pretty equal, although Baptiste has worse fall-off.
I don’t have a dog in this fight, but do keep in mind just on the barrier buster side, Bap can fire the primary and the nades at the same time and it’s pretty easy to line up your tanks and heal them while burning down barriers.
That’s because of one-tricks and the absurd popularity of DPS.
Blizzard has said multiple times that they didn’t expect one-tricking to be as big of a thing as it is. They created the game with the expectation that people would learn to swap characters and roles if something wasn’t working. However, they soon discovered that once people had a favorite hero (either one they liked playing for fun, or they felt they could carry with, or both) they stuck with that favorite hero no matter what. Also, there’s this sentiment of “I can’t carry unless I’m playing DPS”, which is why you get the absurd popularity of DPS roles.
The biggest concern is that there are characters in the game like Widowmaker, Roadhog, Doomfist (and to an extent Bastion, Mei and Reaper) who are nightmares for uncooordinated teams to fight against. If you’re playing Mercy and your teammates are constantly one-shot while fighting a Widowmaker, your options for dealing with it are limited. Even if you’re playing a character that can “fight back” like Lucio, Ana, Baptiste or Zen, the TTK on each of these heroes is so high that Widow can still one-shot anyone on your team before you even get her low. So again, there’s this feeling of “I can’t carry and my DPS/Tanks are trash”.
Blizzard, it seems, is trying to increase the ability for individual characters to make plays without overly relying on team synergy and composition. People who complain about DPS queue times and then ask why a Support can solo Soldier need to really think about why Support and Tank queues are still so short if these characters can supposedly do so much.
I mean I’m fully on board with this as well. You will always see me saying that Doomfist, Mei and Reaper need nerfs because if you don’t have one decent DPS player to deal with them they just walk over your team. I don’t think any character should have mechanics that make them impossible to deal with except by a member of their own class.
This is a false equivalency. People complaining about DPS queue times have nothing to do with how the game is balanced. The people complaining on the forums have nothing to do with the balance experience the rest of us receive in game. Just like the people complaining about GOATS(who never even played GOATS at their low ranks) had nothing to do with the powercreep buffs that Mei, Reaper and Doomfist got that made them insufferable characters.
You guys can continue to point fingers at each other with this dPs mAiN bAd, sUpPoRt mAiN bad nonsense but it’s just deflection from the real issue. Characters should not be balanced in this way.
Just another click bait video, it’s all OW channels seem to be able to do any more. Probably because the game gets so few updates and changes…
But yeah Baptiste has fairly strong primary fire but it’s held back by a few key things. First off it’s a 3 round burst, making any kind of head shot accuracy really difficult. Second Baptiste has no abilities to do more dmg like Soldier’s helix rocket. And lastly you can’t forget the fact the DPS is a hit scan attack while his healing grenades are an arcing projectile.
This means you really can’t aim at an enemy and heal your allies at the same time with any degree of accuracy. Sure you can spam fire through a tank, but your over all accuracy is going to be rather low as you can’t even see what your firing at and the chances of head shots is nearly zero.
I will say Baptiste Ult, even if he only dmg boost himself is probably better than Tac Visor currently.
This channel has exclusively made clickbait videos every few days since before the game was even released, so I don’t think the state of the game or its development has anything to do with that.
is true…
sometimes i tried to play bap and kill a lot, but i cant healing the ellieds if i focus on damage and kills.