Been doing a unranked to GM challenge and he’s definitely the easiest support to climb with. Sometimes I need to swap yes, notably vs a good Doom or some other flankers, but his kit has:
DPS-tier level of DPS, I haven’t gotten used to the recoil completely, when I will he can do almost McCree level of burst
E field on top of common uses like place around corner to save your tanks allows you to claim high ground and bully anyone off from it except the likes of Dva/Wrecking Ball. You’ll often get the kill thanks to it also. Don’t listen to forums btw, dropping immo field to secure a kill is always worth it in soloqueue, people will tell you “ooh you don’t have it for the upcoming fight” that’s total BS, at the very least you will bait all the cooldowns from say Hanzo, but on average u even kill Hanzo if he is too greedy for high grounds so in the ensuing 6v5 unless the enemy team commits ultis BIG TIME you will win (OW is first of all a numbers game).
his ultimate is most of the times a free kill if you time it correctly so I like to compare it to Pulse Bomb. Charges pretty fast also.
Exo Boots give you access to unpredictable places, can be used in the middle of a bad 1v1 to disengage if you position correctly and allow you to stand on small ledges/libraries where for example for Doomfist it’s noticeably harder to kill you because he can’t right click or Seismic Slam into you.
The guy might need a small nerf, it’s fairly easy to get value out of him as well.
You’re a healer. Why would you be using your primary fire as consistently as a DPS? Why is this even an issue?
That’s temporary. Or get a flanker to take the immortality field out.
Key words: If you place it correctly. And even if the Baptiste knows what he is doing, you can hide behind a corner until the ult is over.
Exo Boots make him easier to hit since he’s flying in the air. Easy to counter.
Nerf? I don’t think so. He’s just so “strong” because other heroes are too weak… cough Mercy cough. He’s fine in his state, but other support heroes are weak.
there are instances where your team is high on HP or your 2nd healer is a Moira (say) so you don’t need to healbot all the time. In fact healbotting as Bap is a rly bad way to play him.
perhaps you don’t get it, not everyone can claim it off from high ground and should you win the 1v1 as Bap it doesn’t matter if you “wasted” lamp because from there on it’s 6v5
I should perhaps be more precise: maps are so linear and chokey that getting value out of Amp Matrix is really not that hard. “wait behind a corner” only works if you’re next to the corner to begin with, otherwise you might not even have time to disengage. 80% of my Amp Matrixes result in 1+ kills because I use it at such a time that it’s impossible for the enemy team to disengage from it without dying. With the upcoming shield nerfs, Amp Matrix will be an even more game-changing ulti.
rly stupid argument if anything they make him harder to hit because you need to throw ur xhair into the air and you only have like 1s to kill him before he lands on a high ground (imagine playing him on King’s Row 2nd point, there’s so many disengage opportunities there with Exo Boots). Anyway Exo Boots is not a part of his kit I mind it’s strong but he needs something.
nope ur totally wrong supports have been powercrept heavily, it’s the reason why flanking for picks doesn’t really work anymore except if you’re a god-tier Doomfist. Supports being too strong is the reason why the meta currently is break shield + kill tanks.
no we don’t because Mercy needs to choose in her kit what she wants to use. Pistol = no healing. Bap however can alternate the 2 modes without the downtime of switching weapons that Mercy has, not to mention that if you’re really really good (I haven’t seen anyone do it so far tho) you could theoretically heal AND DPS simultaneously because the 2 modes can be fired together).
There’s no practical situation where you could do this, because his two fire modes have different behavior. You’d need an absolutely perfect scenario for shoot-heal-shoot to hit nothing but enemies and allies, and it will likely require you to make a positional error to do it (too close to the fight, or in a weird angle that makes it hard to peel for you).
yeah I agree, after his buff which iirc involved also a slight firerate buff, the 2 modes are off-sync and thus don’t complement each other anymore. A few patches ago you could do this though.
Never said the gun would never be used. I said it wouldn’t be used as often.
Either wait it out or get support from your team. It’s not OP.
It is difficult if you’re not standing behind a shield or don’t have immortality. As soon as you place Amp Matrix, if you’re vulnerable, you’re a dead man. It’s also such a small window. If there’s no cover, move in a direction horizontal to the window. It’s not hard. Or use ults of your own. That’s what the game is mostly based around.
Play Widow, Ashe, or McCree. A flying target is so easy to hit because of predictable movement. A Bap is usually not a threat on high ground in terms of doing damage, but he can heal pretty well from up there.
I am not wrong, and I bet you complained about Moira being “OP” too. Doomfist is literally meta and he flanks. Stop trying to make supports healbots. Stop crying because you can’t kill a good support player. Maybe they’re just better
Not worth tracers time or job. Especially with the game being unplayable if you dont have Sigma Orisa, theres no way Lamp dies in under 5 secs after activation.
Baptiste is one of the most balanced heroes in the game. Sure, kit should be toned down a bit, but bap is in a really good spot now and i dont want him to change.